Hello, I am wondering, how would I go about making a Custom leaderboard that also displays there leaderstars automatically. Basically, I want to make the default Roblox leaderstats thing look better.
If anyone doesn’t know what I’m talking about its this:
You have basic scripting knowledge right? For the players, you’d need to check on join all the players that are currently inside by using :getplayers() and making a frame for each one, and then players.playeremoving and players.playeradded add more frames or remove them
Then you can further configure this, if you’ve got any questions feel free to ask
You can disable the current one,
and use ScrollingFrame / Frames for the list.
And for each player that joins the game, duplicate a frame with his name,etc.
make sure it does that with an event[ from server to all clients],
and when that player leaves, remove him from the list.
Ok, thanks! But how do i add there leaderstats to the icon? NOTE: I want it to add them automatically, so it will create more slots depending on how many leaderstats there are
Im trying to get the leaderstats but my function doent work.
function GetStats()
for _,v in next,Players:GetChildren() do
for _,c in next,v:WaitForChild("leaderstats"):GetChildren() do
if c:IsA("NumberValue") then
for _,vx in pairs(c) do