How do I make a plugin which lets me design a custom avatar?

I want to make a custom avatar for my GFX but I cannot find any plugin to do that. I don’t want to buy every accessory then put it on me. If there is no plugin like this how would I approach making this plugin?

I already know how to do that but is there a way where I can design my own character like roblox avatar editor?

Not sure if it’s exactly what you wanted, but here is what I would do.

First, load an empty character from going to the plugin tab and rig builder, choose the one appropriate for your GFX. Then insert a pants/t-shirt/accessory object into the model, and change the Asset ID in the properties.

Alternatively, you can use This plugin.

Edit: just for clarification, you need to find/make the clothes on the catalog, and copy their ID from the URL.


You can get the Asset IDs of the accessories you want on your avatar. Then use InsertService to add them into workspace. From there, in studio, just parent the accessories to the character. There shouldn’t be a need to use a plugin for this.

So, heres a step by step tutorial on how you would do that:

  1. Have the Command Bar in studio open and have your character model or whatever ready. To make a character model, go to Plugins, Rig Builder, and then choose whatever model you would like. To get your current avatar, you can look for the LoadCharacter Plugin in the toolbox by AlreadyPro. The Lite version is free.

  2. Run this Command in the command bar:

game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(AssetIDHere).Parent = workspace
  1. Then look in workspace, it should have inserted something named “Model”. Open that and put the accessory or whatever else you inserted into the character.

Remember to replace AssetIDHere with the asset ID of the hat / accessory! You can get asset IDs by looking in the URL of the item and copying the numbers.

You could use this plugin: Load Catalog Items to load catalog items. For this plugin, you enter the asset id of the item and it will be loaded into the workspace!