How do I make a secondary place in a game public?

I feel like an idiot asking but how do I make a secondary place public inside of my game (particularly a test place)? I feel like I’ve looked at literally every page on the dashboard but can’t find anything about making the place joinable?

It’s possible I just don’t have permission in which case I’ll get someone who does have permission to make it joinable but I literally cannot find it.


You will have to teleport the player from the main game to the secondary one.

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Yes but when I do that it says attempted to teleport to a restricted place or similar, or it says I don’t have perms to join the secondary place. The test place is definitely restricted somehow but I don’t know how to make it not restricted.


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Are you sure the gameids are the same and that they are in the same place/universe

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Yep, it’s definitely under the same game.


Are you playing on an account with administrative abilities for the game, like maybe the owner of the game or the owner of the group.

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I believe so? I have permission to create and manage assets, change the game/names of places, edit the game in studio etc, I just can’t find any option to manage whether or not the place can be joined. I’ve also tried on some games under my profile and there’s just no option for individual places. Not sure why

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You need to go into both games and enable a setting called 3rd party teleports within the game’s settings. If the place you are trying to teleport to is privated then that could contribute to the reasoning of why it won’t let you teleport there.

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I did a bit of searching around and found this:
If this doesn’t work, I believe it may be a bug.


He said they both are in the same place, I don’t see a point of enabling 3rd party teleports.

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I don’t think this is the issue. You need to go to file
then click game settings
then click security

then click allow 3rd party teleports

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beat u hahahahahahahahahahhahahahha : )


@betterthenharrybarry, 3rd party teleports are on for both places anyway, I don’t think this is required though as both places are under the same game.

@bitsplicer I’ll try teleport options.

@CheezBoy27 this is for the whole game, it’s already public, it’s just the place that isn’t public.


What? I don’t understand what you mean by you beat me. There is no race to see who can help the fastest.


Yeah yeah just joking, I thought it was kinda funny we both answered at the same time


Oh ok I didn’t realize it was a joke.


Have you tried making both places public?


They both are games inside of a place, games can’t be public only a place can.


I don’t understand. I thought a place and a game were the same thing?

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