How Do I Make All Players 1.0?

How do I make all players in my game have the ROBLOX 1.0 body package? Would it even require a script to do this? I found a thing in the game settings that allows you to change body parts to IDs (thus removing player choice) but I don’t know what the IDs are for a standard ROBLOX 1.0 avatar. Would anyone know how to do this?


This thread might be of use to you: Keep blocky character

Go into gamesettings > Avatar and change the settings to look like the screenshot below:


Put on a weird package just for testing, it only changed the head. Also when I try to save the game settings it says “Cannot save settings”

Did you remember to click save?

Edit: If it says you can’t save then make sure you didn’t leave anything blank.

Edit2: Also the preview is often buggy so you should test it by actually clicking play.

Well, not what I was going for but… (read your edit, bodycolors will most likely work in play)

Also in the corner, that window is what pops up when I attempt to save the changes.

The preview is really buggy, it will not look like that when you playtest it.

Cannot save because 1 is not a valid id for any of the package options. 0 removes packages for all rig types and for an R6 character, gets rid of the related CharacterMesh object. Using the Game Settings menu is not viable for depackaging characters; you must apply a HumanoidDescription with zeroed values.

There are a couple threads about doing this. Here’s one with a code sample (as well as one that has a solution to the problem encountered with it):

First response of this thread also has this same solution around.

Preview is not buggy at all, you are simply inputting invalid ids.


1 seems to work for me, when I put 0 it says it’s an invalid id.

1 shouldn’t be working for you - I don’t feel that enough context, citation or empirical evidence is being provided for this stance. This is not expected behaviour. 1 is not the valid asset id of a bundle nor its parts and an invalid id will cause a save error, as expected and shown like the above.

Were you able to click save?


Yes I was able to click save, however if I use 0 I can’t click save, as show in the screenshot below:

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The code in the post you linked is not functional. Per the solution’s suggestion, I added repeat wait() until game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character at the beginning of the script to no avail.

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Which post were you reading? The marked solution is my post which suggests the change to CharacterAppearanceLoaded. The code in the OP alone does not work, but with an applied fix it does. Below I’ve included the same code sample but with CharacterAdded changed to CharacterApperanceLoaded.

local Players = game.Players

function PlayerJoined(Player)
	local function RemoveMeshes(Character)
		local Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
		local CurrentDescription = Humanoid:GetAppliedDescription() 
		CurrentDescription.Head = 0
		CurrentDescription.Torso = 0
		CurrentDescription.LeftArm = 0
		CurrentDescription.RightArm  = 0
		CurrentDescription.LeftLeg = 0
		CurrentDescription.RightLeg = 0



Try to stay away from repeat wait loops.


Thanks very much, it works now. Also, what is the issue with repeat wait loops?

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Case dependent. In your case, when you suggested use of a repeat wait loop for the Character, an event already exists for this which is CharacterAdded. Where possible, if an event is provided for you, use the event over a loop. Event-based systems are often, if not always better than loops.

Another thing to note is what a repeat loop does. It will always run at least one iteration of the loop, so in essence it’s like using wait at the top of your LocalScript which is often regarded as a code smell.