How do I make developer packages hidden? (Not character packages)

Packages in Roblox are the feature that allow you to sync multiple scripts and models to the same version.

Upload a package, and every other model in your game that is that Package will auto-update, allowing you to keep multiple instances of models or scripts updated should you ever change them.

Want to know something else about packages?

That’s right, as a developer, if I want to use packages, which are so universally useful that it’d severely hinder my game if I don’t… they will show up right on my FRONT PAGE.

What’s the deal with that? How do I hide them? I’ve checked and there is seemingly no configuration option that hides them from public view.

These packages I make are for my OWN development, not publishing. Believe it or not, just because I want other things in MY games to be auto-updatable, does not mean I want other people to be able to stalk my development cycle.

Please tell me there is some weird way to completely hide these, forever? I haven’t been able to find it, and will re-submit this thread as a feature request if I cannot, because it’s like… very embarrassing. I feel like a child where everything I create is under public scrutiny.

It’s one thing to make Models I manually upload show up on my profile - 3D models that are uploaded via an experience’s in-studio system do not show up on my profile anyways.

But as far as I can tell there is no way to silently publish a package?



Before publishing a 3D model from Blender in Roblox, you can remove the publication in Roblox.
It is also possible that it will disappear from the profile when archiving, but I did not check it.

That is not what I am referring to.

Hence the description/clarification of

Packages in Roblox are the feature that allow you to sync multiple scripts and models to the same version.

Upload a package, and every other model in your game that is that Package will auto-update, allowing you to keep multiple instances of models or scripts updated should you ever change them.

You can only remove it from your inventory, but you cannot publish packages with disabled visibility and any other models published in the toolbox.


If I delete it from my inventory does it remove it from my profile at least?

I have large scales games. I can’t just have packages - which due to the way they work are a really useful feature - just be spammed onto my public profile :confused:

It’s a huge security hole for a system that in most game engines wouldn’t require such a thing :confused:

You can create a test package and try to remove from inventory. And also check whether it will be removed from the game or not, but most likely not