Hello! I am making an attack animation that when the player hits LMB (left mouse button) they will punch then go back to their idle position. Their idle position is somewhat of an R6 idle position so I want the atack to start with the default pose. But the question is: how do I start with the default pose? I tried delaying the animation but it just froze then attacked with the nearest animation track
I’m confused on what you’re asking. Do you want to have the player continue to idle and then start an attack animation?
In that case you’d need to animate the idle animation into your attack animation.
the default idle https://www.google.com/search?q=roblox+default+idle+gif&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS840US840&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjF_Y_Ohp_oAhVQn-AKHdIXD1cQ_AUoAXoECAoQAw#imgrc=5B3lT6Gw3SV8xM is what i want to start with. And I dont know how to animate the idle. It only animates when i move a body part
I’m still confused, sorry.
Is there a reason you want to start your animation from an idle animation?
I’m gonna assume you’re saying you want the first keyframe of an animation to begin with another animation’s first keyframe. To do that just save both to a rig using the Animation Editor, then drag the first keyframe (time 0) of the default pose over to the new animation (both under the Saves model in the rig), and delete the old keyframe.
o…h… im very dumb ty for reminding me how to do that