How do I turn colors in roblox studio into a texture?

Hello Developers,

I recently wanted to join the UGC program, so I created an item. I made it in entirely in Roblox Studio, and also colored it in Roblox Studio. Is there any way to export these colors and turn them into a texture so I can apply it to the mesh?

Any Help is Appreciated,


yes. surface appearance or material service, whatever fit your cup of tea.

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You’ll need to export the model, import it to 3D software, UV-unwrap it, texture it again (probably can’t take roblox’ materials into your 3d software), and then bake the textures.

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This should help you. (How to import textures from Blender and then export it to Roblox studio? - #6 by ExercitusMortem)

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I followed the steps, but it came up like this:

(what it should like is on the side)


The colors are not the problem, The texturing is.


Sorry; in the other post, he was using a solid colour, and thus didn’t need UV-unwrapping. You do need to unwrap it properly. UV unwrapping is making a 2d map from the 3d mesh, which will basically decide where the textures go. So go into Blender, UV workspace, and unwrap it properly. If you don’t know how, you could

  1. select mesh
  2. tab (edit mode)
  3. a (select all)
  4. u (uv menu)
  5. Smart unwrap

This is from memory btw, they may have different hotkeys

Just did it right now, texture came different, and looks like this instead:


Forgot to mention, I did do “unwrap” there was no smart unwrap option.

Did you rebake it with the new UVs?

There should be an option for that, which is the automatic method.

Yes, I’ll go through the steps I did:

  1. Pop open UV editing
  2. Press A then U
  3. Select Unwrap
  4. Open Shading
  5. Bake (In cycles engine with defuse)
  6. Download image

Image of menu:

Yes, but if you’re unwrapping it manually you need to define the seams of the object properly. This is hard to do.

Pick smart UV project

You may need to adjust the UV to fit your texture

It’s asking for Island margin, do I need to change anything or no?

Nah leave those. You can mess around and see the result in real time in UV editor window

Texture changed again, Looks like this now:

Sorry if I’m being annoying, it’s just that I really gotta learn this stuff.

Again, you need to adjust the UV’s to fit the texture.

Adjust the UV? How would I do that?

The texture, is it a shader that you bake?

You can press 3 (Whilest mouse is inside uv viewport) to switch to face mode. You can open your texture at the top, to visualize it

Should I maybe try texturing Manually?

Also, I don’t understand what you mean by shader… Here’s my hiarchy if you need it…


You can select the faces on themesh. They will appear as uv selections. You can then move them in the uv screen to adjust them

You can scale,move,rotate individual faces

Seem to be getting there!

I will try for the next couple of minutes to fit everything in.

Now hold on. If you baked your MATERIAL (shader) you can just bake it again, to automaticallyfit the texture.

Baking = converting PBR material into textures, converted from 3d to 2d using UV map
UV unwrap = unfolding a mesh in order to be able to map it to 2d