How do I upload Blender Mesh to Roblox?

I spent a while on Blender making my first accessory to add to Roblox:

However, when I try to upload it It says this:


But I counted the faces and it’s only 156 just like Blender says:

This is even after it is triangulated:

I don’t think this is a Roblox bug(because I don’t want this post to be taken down) I think it has something to do with how I exported the mesh:

(sorry no picture. lol)

Is there a particular way that I might have done wrongly for exporting meshes from Blender and uploading them to Roblox?


Faces are not Triangles.There should be a piece of text near that counter that says “Tris: XAmount” next to it though.
Also, if you export it like that as 1 object, you can only apply 1 color unless you textured it. So, go to edit mode, use Ctrl+A to select all the vertices, then press “P” and a menu will pop up. Find the choice that says “By Material”. This will separate it into parts based on the material/color given to the part.
Then, when you’re exporting, on the left side of the screen should be a menu and near the bottom there’s a section of check boxes. One of them should connect to “Selection Only”. Make sure that is checked. Then select 1 mesh by right clicking, export it, then repeat for however many meshes you have.

Edit: Added images


It seems to me that the “V” on the eye piece has a majority of the triangles.

I would definitely look into reducing the triangle count of the V because that many triangles in such a small place is going to be extremely painful for pretty much any computer.

Check the amount of edges and vertices on your mesh to see if it’s lower than 10k. If you cannot reduce it, split the mesh and import it into two separate parts.

If you created the V with the Blender text tool, this would explain the high tri count. The blender text tool is great for renders however never practical for game assets.

Edit: replied to wrong person

Is there anything in other layers? Are some objects hidden? By default, those get exported, too! That may be why your tri count is inflated.

Just to make sure, select only the object that you want to export, and then toggle this setting on:


Don’t count the edges and vertices. Count the tris:


An object with a thousand vertices and edges but zero faces will have exactly zero tris.


V looks to me like a texture.


Open a New window.
Click on a part in your 3d model
Then click your new window
Then export as a FBX then repeat this process till; all parts have been exported.

You can also do this with layers, but exporting with selected objects works just the same and removes having to do that process.

Where is the Selection Only option?

In that last photo I sent, it kinda collapsed it so just click on it and it should open up more. It’s at the bottom of the export panel.

I included an image of it in my previous post, lol:


Thanks guys.

I got it in: Annotation%202019-03-19%20132110


Thanks @XAXA for the little feature I didn’t know was there. Now I can make meshes in the correct scales instead of finDING an extremely sized mesh in the workspace.


With a scale of 0.01, 1 “unit” of distance in blender is 1 stud in Roblox :slight_smile:

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