How do you Calculate a Not-too Diverse IQR/Range

Note: This topic requires high skills in math and statistics, and may not make sense for some.

Second Note: I do not mean positive digits (like a number above zero), I mean a good and not-too diverse IQR/range.

First of all, when a price range for a graphics render, build, or other service, is only R$50 and is negotiable, you would think it starts at R$50. Statistically, it is not good to have an extremely diverse IQR (inter-quartile range) or an extremely diverse range (in this case). Why is this? This is because, when you hire someone for a service or product you expect to keep the same type of quality in mind. If you want the quality to be decent, you would not pay $10 - $1000, because there is a huge difference in what those prices can get you. The lower range the better.

I gave my thoughts on how to calculate a positive IQR/range here:

But now I am wondering, how do you calculate a positive IQR/range.

I don’t expect for this topic to get a lot of replies as some users will not understand this, or will not commonly use this data.


Your IQR will always be positive when working with a positive data set like money. I don’t understand what you’re trying to accomplish.

Not a positive digit, but a good and not-too diverse IQR.

And in this case, there are no quartiles since we are just using a basic range (the R$50 GFX example). Although I am asking users how they calculate a not-too diverse IQR/range, the example I gave has no quartiles.

Without a data set, this is just guess work. This is likely better learned through experience or advice from others because currently you don’t have any data for any statistical analysis.

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I do not have any data currently, and I am looking for ways you calculate a consistent IQR/range so I may use that method in the future.

This is just for future reference.


I am requesting advice in this topic.

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