How do you detect dark dex?

I quite literally have no idea why people keep replying with the same ways they figured out how to “patch dex”, you might aswell call it impossible because there is no reliable way.

Thinking about doing some server-sided checking? Throw it out the window, you should know why.
Have a script to detect spikes? Memory usage spiking is unreliable and ping can be spoofed.
Can’t you just use game:Method()? Any competent exploiter will use built-in executor functions like syn.protect_gui() which is specifically designed against checks like that?
And even more updated guis are starting to use external drawing features which is 100% geniunely undetectable (up to roblox to defend against that)

tl;dr: there is no reliable or actual way to check for dark dex especially on newer versions so don’t spend so much time looking for a fix

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you should delete this reply so roblox doesnt patch this way to detect GUIs in CoreGui

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Guys I found out how todetect Dex Dark Dex Bless Up

local DexInject = game.Players.LocalPlayer:FindFirstChild("DarkDex")
--// Important prints "Hello World!"
print("Hello World!")
--// Wait Till Dex Inject
--// Makes Jump False so Dark Dex No Enable.
game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Jump = false
-// Main Detection
if DexInject then
    return"Delete Dex"
--// It Wait For Dex Inject
--// Cleans Dex
    if false then 
        return "Dex Cleaner"

it still works tho, it can detect stuff in CoreGui

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Delete this post before it gets patched lmao, anyway you can’t use this in real games it would break everything, you have to use other methods. Also they can just break the connection to game.DescendantAdded lol


has anyone tried GC Dex Detection [OP] {Improvised}? found it while looking at posts

this doesn’t work well, as roblox makes frames and descendants in coregui

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What about if you have a table which contains every UI / UX in said game, and a local script that detects when a interface is added to the PlayerGui and compare said UI to the tables contents.

You could also have an attribute used as an “verification key” which can be a randomly generated string, and compare if said UI has an attribute named “key” and if the value is the same.

And for newly created instances, you can add said instance to the table with a key, hell same could even be done with scripts.

You’re not going to stop anyone with this btw. Not only is this a terrible way of trying to stop a client sided exploit, but any exploiter who knows what they’re doing is going to be able to bypass it with even a simple anti-kick or remote spy.

This post is a good read for things like this.

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But it’ll probably be patched soon by both Roblox and Dark Dex

I wish people would start listening and stop thinking they found a “miracle way” to detect Dark Dex. It’s NOT POSSIBLE STOP TRYING.

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wdym my script detects dex (another script)

All it takes is one mildly competent exploiter to bypass your anti-cheat and spread their script like the plague. There’s no patch for dex.


Hi Stan, btw that’s an understatement not only does this not work well it will break all games it’s stupid to even suggest adding this to games lmao.

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atleast he found a way to read coregui i guess

Actually he didn’t at all you can’t read it you can only connect to its events. There was a way you can read it called a recursive “FindFirstChild” this method worked flawlessly and was perfect but people like him leaked it to everyone and got it patched.

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Due to the backlash, I have withdrawn the original post along with the script. I guess I should’ve never sent it.

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I don’t know if you know this but dark dex creates a model in replicated storage when the user tries to save the place however they will still be able to store the place even if they are kicked but they would be banned (you have to make the ban function).

There is no patch for Dex, wrong. There is a perfect server-sided way to detect Dex, which I won’t disclose. Also a client-sided method, but it is bypassable by disabling the script. Dex will keep releasing updates, so you have to be aware. Don’t celebrate if you manage to create an anti dex. The server-sided method however is very hacky and will be probably patched by Roblox.

I highly doubt there exists a server-sided miracle solution to a client-sided exploit. There’s nothing that can definitively patch a UI exploit like dex. Just won’t happen.


an unreasonable way but also pretty tight way is to kick for any foreign objects, so have a script with object names that are in the local players game, and manually name all the ones that are allowed, if an object that is added isn’t allowed, kick for it. It would take a ton of work depending on the size of the game though. Theres probably ways to shorten it but i feel like this would be really really strong