How do you detect dark dex?

Yes, but you missed the part where I said that it is a scenario where extemely specific values such as memory usage values of 0.00000017 MB caused the exploit software to be patched.

My post was not meant to tell you to use memory detection systems. It was meant to show an example of how difficult it is to find preventive measures to exploits.

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I have a question. Are my remotes secure if they are only server to client and almost everything (Except Camera script, guis, and movement script) is server side?

I mean you can try making it so everything is in serverstorage or serverscriptservice. There stealing it from a clients perspective so they cannot steal server scripts. Theres not really a way to detect dark dex (that I know of).

Dex is practically undetectable, even if it is, exploit devs will fix it eventually and this thread is still on

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Yeah everything is in server storage expect spawn, walls, baseplate, and 4 wedges.

Your as incorrect as 3ds’s V3 testers, Script-Ware is far better then synapse, Synapse Decompiler can be blocked with literal if statements, Obfuscation and like 6 more methods that are more complex and indepth. Synapse’s “Protected” Environment can be hooked with the most goofy detection ever on synapse’s side, There is still multiple injection detection methods for synapse and synapse crashes on getconnections, Synapse hookmetamethod is detectable via a way that im not leaking, syn.secure_gui is detectable via the most basic crap (even checking the amount of guis in coregui works) ← that being crystal anticheat breaks through syn.secure_gui but not gethui and thats the same for simple admin anticheat and adonis anticheat (garbage). Script-Ware has no issues along any of these lines, if you disagree then send me all the evidence of you detecting script-ware because ill bet theres 0, Script-Ware gethui’s detection and hook’s are impossible to perform because the developer of script-ware elevated the script Identity to 3 :slight_smile:

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forgot to mention script-ware has a disassembler and its more readable then the synapse decompiler and it cannot be blocked by obfuscated, spam and overloading, script-ware also has alot more Environment security so you cant actually get anything from script-ware’s env or function library. Synapse is a great detection for your game because its very insecure

You cant just block a decompiler with if statements, how in the world would that work. If decompiler then destroy?

Hooking meta methods used to be detectable by checking the call stack, synapse has patched this, along with the other methods.

Checking the amount of guis in coregui can be wrong in many ways, you can’t just check #CoreGui:GetDescendants() because they could launch dex as the game opens, or other normal

Same goes for you, send me all your evidence of you detecting synapse and krnl. Bet there’s 0 as well


‘(even checking the amount of guis in coregui works)’, you are right. I made an anti dex using this.

How’d you access the CoreGui in the first place? And what if Roblox just updates it, adding a new Gui? You might lose a lot of players if you have this method of protection on your game and you don’t react in time.

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It has a limit check to just detect the sudden spikes such as dex. I will keep updating this. CoreGui access way is currently secret. Just because if ROBLOX adds like couple of new coreuis, it wont affect it in any way.

You can’t. DarkDex is protected with syn.protect_gui so you can’t detect it.The only way would be to use very unreliable memory spike detection which is easy to spoof.

syn.protect_gui has been bypassed multiple times. It is just extremely hard. I know a few others who have done this alongside me such as @imwatchingyou_haha1.

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Can you give proof of this? Can you send a video of something injecting Synapse X, and the game kicking them?

Sure, I’ll get someone to test it for me.

In my eyes, the only way to get rid of dark dex, is having an anti-injector, that fully eliminates the possiblity of dark-dex, and the exploit itself.

Yeah well, that’s getting rid of it.

I have a decent-idea, detect if any UI’s are over the normal amount, using descendant-added or so, and kick the player if suspicious object’s are added, and have some sort of server-script, with some sort of method to constantly check if the client-script was destroyed.

That was practically the idea I sent before I deleted that post, but even if you did manage to detect the GUI being added, it’s quite unlikely that you’ll be able to kick the exploiter.

Those are the old versions of dark dex that are not widely in use anymore.