How do you get your rating higher again?

My game here:
has a 55% like rating, and now I want to get it higher again. Even with new updates, people are still disliking it (sometimes they like but still).
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I think most of these dislikes were from before when the game was terrible (in my opinion).

How do you guys get your rating back up?

Notice: I’m not trying to get you to like the game. I just need to know how I can get the rating up.

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Listen to your community. Ask them to explain what’s wrong with your game. Deliver updates more often and make sure they don’t contain bugs. Also, does the game progress save? If not, maybe people disliked your game due to rage because when they joined they saw all their progress erased.


Ok I’ll try to do that, since no one out of the 37 members I have on my group talk at all, except for this one spanish person who said they loved my game.

Sometimes I just want to play more games than develop though…


Even though there are people who like it, there are still people who dislike it.

Then try to deliver an update which changes the whole game. A new lobby, new currencies, whatever you want. Have you also tried to play the game yourself? Try to check it for any bugs.

Lack of motivation to update a game isn’t an excuse. That’s a valid reason for which people will leave dislikes.


I tried the game and its rather unfinished, there are many thing you could fix that would make the experience better for the users, i would say the best thing you can do is finish the essentials of a good tycoon game then full on release it.


Yeah I know that it isn’t an excuse, but it’s just this one part of this one update I’m currently working on that I just don’t want to do (rebuilding the entire tycoon and replacing the buttons).

Other than making the game better(which is specific for every game), you should look at the player experience on each device and maybe get a friend to play the game in front of you. I had my gf play Store Empire(which was in a steady rating decline) on my tablet in front of me, and I took three pages of notes on things that could be improved or removed.
It’s easy to feel like everything makes sense, but a new player knows zero about your game. I worked heavily on the little things(among actual game updates) and my rating has been going up day by day for two months now(from 84.3 to 86.3. It had been 85.9 half a year prior to that 84.3)

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Right now you have such few dislikes that it’s easy to recover fortunately.

I think making the user experience, primarily through a tutorial might be helpful because surprisingly, in my experience a lot of people who play these games are new users, often unfamiliar with tycoons already.

Your game is in an early state so I imagine all of these will be addressed with the release, but just in case you’re unaware of them:

  • The progression curve in your game is a bit silly, I can press most of the buttons immediately without even going to pick up cash, this is leading your current players to just press all of the buttons and finish the game, and when they can’t press a button they might be confused because you never set up the expectation to go collect money. A simple tutorial could solve that part like a beam leading the player to collect money after they’ve bought the first free purchase, when they realize they need money to buy the next thing. I’d take a look at the progression curve of high rated/popular tycoon games and see how they handle the curve.

  • The music is pretty repetitive, got annoyed with it after a few minutes. If you really want to keep this music in the game, I think it’d be best if you included it as part of a larger list of music. A setting to turn any music you have off would be a good addition as well.

  • The lighting is so bright it makes my character glow, this could be off-putting and lead players to leaving early.

  • Your buttons don’t work consistently, in this video I have to run over a button multiple times to activate it, likely due to Rthro collisions. I’m lead to believe this is the case because I can’t repro consistently with a classic rig.

    Simple solution to this would be to have an invisible part in the center of the button, guaranteeing those who step onto the button press it.

I’m fairly confident your game ratings will rise upon release if you fix these issues :smile:


Listen to your audience who plays your games. If they want the following update than develop that update and maybe your audience will be glad after that.

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@Snoopy1333 (who works for me) is gonna try and fix stuff.


Specificly the UI elements, SFX and Scripts.

I’ve played and found quite a few errors.

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I’ve written a to do list on my Trello.

I’m gonna start making the important ones and then go from there first.

Atm i need food lol. I’ll hop into my illustrator and see what i can come up with.

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Play your game as an alt, and ask ppl questions about the game like “hey, is this game fun?” and from there try to ask more specific questions.
I do that in my games LOLL bc sometimes they’ll give biased reviews to the creator, and asking on an alt avoids that.


There are many ways for you to get High Rank, it can be in game or out of it.

Creating Feedback in the Game: Many people will be able to report Errors in the Game and report directly to the Developers of their games, I believe that you will be able to know all Errors directly in Studio when you see the Messages reported by Players.

Game Style: Is your game good and is it based on the Title? Games that claim to be for example: “Jailbreak” but it is actually a roller coaster game, know that it will never work.
Your game is Tycoon, avoid using Titles that do not represent much to your Game.

Frequent Updates and Bug fixes: Making frequent fixes and updates can not only improve the Game, satisfy many Players in the Community and have a lot of Will to play their Games, and create Updates that draws a lot of attention and leaving the Addictive Players in it.

I hope I helped you!

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@B_rcode I’m currently doing that and the person isn’t responding lol. (she just left)

@sprtony I don’t have Discord yet (yes, i know) but when I do I’ll put a feedback system in place.

So basically all of these bug fixes and stuff.

I’m currently gonna start small and put out small updates, like the last one which added Titles.

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I released another quick update:


Added 3 gamepasses: VIP, Premium Daily Rewards, and 2x Cash. LIVE


Fixed the market where you couldn’t buy anything LIVE


Changed some lighting LIVE

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Yeah I have to agree with @DMCPEPlays that listening to your players can get you farther than you realize.
It might also help to hire some game testers and have them give you feedback. If testers aren’t your cup of tea, what I’d honestly recommend is making a new account and play for an hour or so. You can record yourself playing if that helps, or just keep a notepad open. Then, when you look back on your recording or your notes you can adjust things to make the game more engaging.
A large problem with most games that have a low like-to-dislike ratio is that the game isn’t engaging enough. Im not saying that your game isn’t engaging enough, but I am saying that looking at Average Visit Length under Developer Sats can tell you more than you realize.

Also considering that your game is a tycoon, it might help to add something for players to do while they wait to become rich.

I hope this helped!

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Great idea, I’ll do that someday.

I look at it every week lol.

Sometimes I get players playing for over an hour, so yeah.

Now I want to know if you would dislike or not: (BE HONEST)

  • I would dislike
  • I would like

0 voters

Also, how do you rate the game?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

0 voters