How do you make a belt accessory(and correct positioning)?


I just needed some quick help on how I position an accessory to fit around a blocky r15 character’s waist(the waistCenterAttachment didn’t work).

I’m pretty new to making custom accessories so I apologize if this is a stupid question lol

Where I want it to go

Where it goes when I paste into the avatar
It usually goes to the top of the head, this is one of the rare cases where it worked.

Also, how exactly do you position accessories? So far its been very confusing so any insight is appreciated. Another question is how do I keep other parts inside the handle centered and not messed up whenever I paste the accessory?


Hi, my approach to this would be to have an invisible part that has the same size as the “waist” part in the player. when applying the accessory to the player you can simply weld the invisible waist to the real one

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