How do you Use RemoteEvents in ServerScriptService

You can take a look at this.
It will take long to explain here.

It depends on what you want to do. If you want a big explosion, you need to decide how you want to create the explosion. If it needs to be a Localscript, or if it needs to be a regular Script, you need to decide that as well before going this route. Definitely look into some tutorials for this networking stuff.

Iā€™m still so lost XD cause Iā€™m not sure if what you guys are saying is what I want to do because I have a folder with all events big explosion and that I want in my live event which is in server script I want to be able to call any of the events from that folder

I think you might be confusing a RemoteEvent, a form of communication, for an event, something that can happen in your game.

Hmm maybe because most live event use the ez camera shake with remote events Iā€™m so lost on how to start the event from the server script

Try using RemoteFunctions that can be activated in a script using Invoke()

But the camera shaker Iā€™m using doesnā€™t work on that his a video on that shaker maybe you can watch it to know more on what Iā€™m trying :smirk: 2

You said the RemoteEvent is in ServerScriptService, but this line of code is looking for it in ReplicatedStorage.

No what I mean is the events are in replicated storage I got them mixed up the script Is in server script

Does your explorer look something like this?


Yep thatā€™s how it looks but with more events

Can you show us what the Local Script looks like then?

Wait I need local script? But how would that work if the life event is in server script

Youā€™ll need to use a Local Script in order to receive the signal. The script is firing off an event, which doesnā€™t do anything if it isnā€™t hooked up to a piece of code to run.

WAIT OOOOOOO I think I understand so the local script would have thd code for what happens and the server calls it

Yup, exactly. Since you didnā€™t have the Local Script, no code is being run, and no camera explosion is being caused.

ok so the Local script would say OnserverEvent?

Since youā€™re saying FireAllClients in your script, it should be OnClientEvent.

Ok so since all these replies are confusing, let me explain.

a local script would have


a server script would have

remoteEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, argument1, argument2)

If you want the other way around then:

a server script would have

remoteEvent:FireClient(plr, argument1, argument2)

a local script would have

remoteEvent.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(argument1, argument2)

Simple :sweat_smile: Thanks for not making it confusing XD

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