How does MM2 do their lighting?

I’ve been trying long enough to copy the lighting of MM2 because of a YT idea and I just can’t seem to figure out how they did their lighting.
I’d really like to have the exact same colors and lighting of MM2 maps but I can’t figure out how to have the same lighting as the MM2 maps.
I’ve tried every single Lighting property under the sun but I either somehow missed some combinations or I am missing something else.

What I managed to do (The map was taken from the toolbox)

What I tried to copy

Clearly the lighting is off. If you compare the carpets, they aren’t the right color. Or if you compare the floor under the carpet, it also isn’t the right color. The stair foundation is off. The table in the back is different in each picture. You name it, it’s different.

Here is what I did to get my current lighting:

And also I added a ColorCorrection instance with these properties:
AND, I also took the first screenshot with QualityLevel21 because i couldn’t make the shadows on the walls show properly otherwise.

I don’t think the part colors are wrong since I super highly mega doubt that someone took their time to recreate one of the MM2 maps part by part and then just put slightly offset colors.

If anyone possibly knows what I need to use or do, then help is appreciated.


Pretty sure this doesn’t go in #help-and-feedback:building-support if it’s lighting, Lol.
But anyways, I don’t know. The thing is copying a game’s lighting isn’t easy…
Every developer wants to do it, but you simply can’t make it perfect without them telling you.


I think you just need to mak the ambience a little more white.


Yea forgot to mention that I didn’t know where else to put this question. So building feedback kinda seemed the most fitting imo.
And yea, that is pretty true. But I hoped maybe someone has the secret formula to easily copying any lighting of any game. Maybe someone will if I wait a little longer.
Then again, I doubt someone would just tell a secret to the whole world lol


The only way you could truly copy the lighting settings is via exploits, printing each property of the original game’s lighting. And I wouldn’t recommend that at all.


it’s because every map in mm2 has CastShadow set to false (means that all maps in mm2 doesn’t have shadows)

try setting that property of every Part to false

or you can just run this in the Command Bar (assuming that all maps are located inside Workspace)

for _, descendant in workspace:GetDescendants() do if descendant:IsA("BasePart") then descendant.CastShadow = false end end

Yea I did, but still seems off…

Try #2

I also tried changing contrast to -0.1 and it still feels off.

I might just have to leave it as is or later edit the colors in photoshop. I don’t think viewers are gonna be bothered that much by the walls being a slightly different color. (but it does kinda bother my perfectionist side)


@TheWierdMan646 try this try this


Yea I took a bit of time trying it, and it surprisingly does get the colors right

But now I just have to figure out how to get the lights correctly since it’s scattering all over the place.
Either way this is a good start.


it’s probably due to attempting the previous replies, try reverting the changes that was made by the previous replies

if it doesn’t work then you’ll have to adjust it yourself (or future replies)


I did, and that is how it looks like.

I’ll mess around with the properties later. If you got any more ideas then lmk


What if you set Technology to Compatibility?

It's even worse

The other technologies aren’t any better (besides ShadowMap which was used to begin with)


Do you still have the Color Correction on? Have you tried disabling it with Compatibility enabled?

Yes and it's a bright mess


Ok since time is of the essence and I want to get this over with, I tried my best adjusting the Lighting properties and this is what I managed to recreate:

My Attempt

MM2 Original

Imo looks very identical, but it’s still not exactly the same. Kinda looks like there is a white filter on top of my image…

Here is the settings I used:


Note: Cash Shadow of all parts is set to false


Turn off global shadows, maybe that works.


In that case, why not use a ColorCorrection to increase the saturation so it’s more colorful (less white)?


Interstingly, with the Compatability lighting technology, the global shadows don’t make a single difference


Good idea, but idk if stacking color correction objects is any diferent from using one single color correction with the right property values.
But I did make another color correction object and set the saturation to 0.1, but it still looks meh?

The carpet looks a bit better, but now the walls are a bit too orange…

I think ill just keep it as is, until maybe someone gives a solution?