How does my city look? / (Spring Update is Back)

Holy… It looks amazing! AND Demanding!

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Looks like a masterpiece to me.

LOL THIS IS AMAZING! Is this public? I want to play it!

Looks amazing, you have put so much effort into this city.

I really like this build! It’s very clean.

This looks so cool! I wanna play it so bad, when is this releasing because I’m very excited!

Hello! is this public? if soo I would like to play it bc I like these of game like free roaming and roleplays :slight_smile:

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Really good and a lot better then jail break and other look a likes.

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Hello, for now it is not in public, I have not finished it as soon as the Land, but I will let you know
(Excuse my late reply)


Could you let me know too? The build looks really nice! Thanks

I have an idea! You should make a weather system just like Driving Simulator! That’d definitely add alot of realism. :grin:

Not a bad idea, in fact I already have some plans to update this map for fall and christmas



THE CITY IS SO EPIC!! How do you build this?! What time is took?

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It took me 3 months to build, but I haven’t updated it, I’ve been busy with other projects of mine, and improving my Construction skills. :slight_smile:


Boi, this gives some lego city undercover vibes, did you get inspiration from that game?

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Actually, I was not inspired by that said game, since I have never played it


When is the showcase going to be released?

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He will let you know. :slight_smile:

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Astonishing. I wish I build like you! The prison reminds me of Alcatraz.

(No offense intended, it just reminds me of it)