How Long Do We Have To Wait For The "User Is New To Group" Payout Blockade?

why is this still a thing i cannot even see a feasible benefit to doing this


2 weeks doesnā€™t seem to be the case as stated here. I joined a group, noted the exact time I joined, and dead on 14 days later tried and it still says Iā€™m new


Really wishing Roblox would at least shorten the time this takes. Only benefit is on their side since gamepasses give Roblox a cut while group payouts donā€™t. Thank you Roblox team for being the most amazing one there is! I have definitely never decided to switch engines or trash talk this platform multiple times.


This is old but I canā€™t help but bump it. This has caused major issues in my development process multiple times. I have to pay my devs. I have to refund my players.

Please, shorten the time it takes. Even 1 week is fineā€¦ 2 weeks is just too much.


Iā€™d be so so grateful to shorten the time to 1 week at least. This waiting time is ridiculous, having people do commissions for you is a pain when you canā€™t pay them immediately. I REFUSE to pay through shirts/gamepasses etc.

Roblox, please, you havenā€™t raised devex rates, please shorten the waiting time for this at least. :pray:


Damn, I miss the days where you just ask them to join your group and you have an instant payout.

I also believe Devex rates need to be increased because, well, those are quite old devex rates and we have something called ā€œInflationā€ in the real world.


Yes this is so true. I hate this featureā€¦ I cant believe it still exists

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The waiting time is just ridiculous imo, I hate it so so much god! I want to know the exact reason Roblox even introduced this update, is it rlly just a way to make us just pay people through stuff that takes tax so they can get money? Iā€™d not be surprised at all, but is it?


Roblox keeps ruining everything, you canā€™t even pay people nowā€¦

Reduce the waiting time to 1 week at least!! Would help ALOT!!!