How much is this stamina bar system worth? (commission)

I’m curious how long have you been scripting for?

You should stop working with these people. They will screw you over sooner or later.

Also, on the topic of payment. You should charge exactly what was agreed upon when the deal was made. If they offered 1.5k, they pay 1.5k. Whether or not they think it’s worth it isn’t your problem. If the “investor” is so worried about 10 bucks, then maybe they should put more effort into overseeing how their money is spent.

As I said earlier, I wouldn’t work with these people. The investor is not only incredibly immature, but quite incompetent/inexperienced as well.

7 Robux.

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350r max, really depends on the amount of time it took you, but it looks like youre just tweening 1 frame

10 robux‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

Apparently he has 5+ years of experience in scripting so I was surprised.

not to offend anyone

stamina systems are fairly easy to code. it only requires a few values, tweening, and what it can do. i would pay 300-450 robux MAX.

Alright guys so the investor either randomly agreed or accidently paid 1.5k which I don’t even know how its possible because we both negotiated to 800 and the investor said he’d pay 800 robux only but then all of a sudden I was given the actual amount and it was a purchase from the gamepass. Which doesn’t even make sense because the gamepass was 800 robux so idk how he managed to do that but it is what it is.

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You seem alot more experienced, you are a web developer and you seem quite smart and knowledged in this field. So I’m on your side too.

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