How much robux would skyscrapers like this be worth?

I’m a scripter, not so much a builder, but I quite enjoyed making buildings like this and am wondering how much robux models of this calibre would go for if someone needed a bunch of non-enterable skyscrapers commissioned.


These would probably be worth around 5000 robux or more. They are non enterable, but they do have detail on the outside.

Good luck on your commissions!


Each of these buildings have a unique style to them and could be used in a Modern/Cyberpunk setting. Although I do still question if putting these in game will affect the performance of the game itself.

I’d personally say around 4.5K - 7K would be reasonable pricing.


I would put them up for 4k - 6k, keep up the great work!

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They could be used for a citybuild game, I would by them for 3-4k.

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I can see these selling for anywhere between 5000 and 7000 robux, depending on how much of an emphasis the buyer wants to place on the buildings. Regardless, these look very beautiful. Amazing work!

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Each building looks beautiful and amazing, each one is different and unique. This would be worth around 5k-7.5k.

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They are very nice they would probably be around 5k-7k

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There really is only about 3-4 buildings in the bunch that I love, the other ones are good but for sure not around 5,000 like some other people are suggesting.
I’d say around 2k-3k, and at most 4k.

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I would also say this, and my feedback that I want to give is that you should make them less plain, so more colors and details.

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They absolutely look gorgeous and they also are really detailed, you could ask something like 5K robux.

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The performance shouldn’t suffer unless you literally have 1000 of these buildings. Carefully unioning these can increase performance a lot, since these buildings have a fair amount of parts.

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