How much should I charge for my clothing commissions?

I am planning to open my commissions this summer since I’ll have time to work on it. I’m not sure what price I should set… Please tell me your opinions below.

My creations


Might just be me, but the images arent shown.

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I was editing it. It should show now!

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I can see them, and they look awesome! Since it’s a form of art I would say 100-1k depending. Maybe more!

Really?! The groups that I worked with pays me at least 1.5k-3k+… I didn’t expect a low price, but thanks for replying to my post!

Sorry, yeah it’s probably around what you said. I have never worked or hired a clothing designer usually just make my own.

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1k and upwards are good prices, these look very high quality!


2k+. You have amazing talent, seriously.


1.5k-5k!! You’re super talented


Let’s put it this way. This is her job. It takes her more than an hour to complete it. Would you want only a dollar - $10 every few hours? No, this is her job. Her work is valued.


The 1st dress on the 3rd picture probably isn’t appropriate for roblox because you clearly notice breasts.

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You should charge it 20$ per piece or 3k R$


The price I expect is around 3k+
Very high quality and detailed :+1:


As long it doesn’t show completely it’s still appropriate. A lot of well-known clothing designer has done similar stuff for sure so you can’t blame her.


Jesus Christ, definitely not less than 1k


Quality is really nice. I would say somewhere starting at 2k-3k


It’s just the showcase… I am not going to put actual breast on roblox.

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Read my second message before judging.

Use this formula if you ever need to decide a price:
How long will this usually take me?
If it takes you, let’s say, 3 hours, then add 3 hours of your country’s minimum wage.
Do the Robux to USD DevEx ratio (which is 0.35 cents) and there you go.
If the work has a lot of talent, something that would takes hours to master, then you can up the minimum wage.

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Thanks for the advice. I usually take 6-9 hours+ on my designs.

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