How much to advertise?

Hi, developers!

I was curious what is a good amount to be spent on for ads and sponsoring! I’m leading more towards the sponsoring part but I feel like ads do help as well but I’m not sure. Any suggestions and amounts I should do? Should I split funds between ads and sponsoring?


Depend, it’s not abusive to say 3,000 R$ is the minimal for a boost of more than 100/200+ concurrent players as a few top developers eventually sponsors with their current revenue, which often leads to them being inrivaled in the amount of users affected in the 24 hours sponsor/ad cycle

What i often spend on, for a Opening/Launch project or eventually a large update, is of 10,000 R$,
You have more people on week-end, but more ads by others users too, so i assume the results is barely the same (unless you’re the top or the least spending advertiser)


I recommend just testing the waters first by maybe spend 2000 rbx on the first time and if people start playing it try doing 3000 rbx next then if it works then try going higher by spending 5000 two days in a row.

Also I wouldn’t use ads since roblox removed them from the home page.

Ok so this was my thoughts I don’t have much experience on it myself but I have read quite a few threads on this.


Sounds good. I have around 50,000 R$ in funding. Do you think I should spend 10,000 R$ and gradually keep advertising? This is for a cafe group by the way.

Would you put the 10,000 R$ towards Advertisements (I would be using “Free Pet Code:”) or sponsoring the game place going 10,000 R$ on ads and 10,000 R$ on sponsoring?

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I’d advice you to experiment with both systems of advertising. You’d want to start on low amounts, say R$500-1,000 gradually increasing towards 5,000. You want to make sure you’re profiting, as you should be earning past the amount you sponsored/advertised. Generally I’d sponsor first, as you earn new players in which then your game slowly gets known. I’m assuming you’ve got a decent quality icon, eye catchy description, and a thumbnail. My key is just to start low, and gradually increase my spending when I’m seeing a profit and benefits. Good luck!


Advertisements are still effective, even if they’re not on the home page. A good ad can be better than a sponsorship.


I’d recommend giving an original boost of around 5,000 for the first game release, if it’s group based then give some ads mostly.
Try to launch a 10,000 overall with this

  • 5,000 in sponsors
  • 5,000 in ads
    It’ll be able to bring a small community
    afterwards when there’s players online try to launch a sponsor of around 20,000 and so
    It’ll help bring players to a game and fill it up. Make sure to get your friends playing it as well so they can provide company once the first people begin joining.
    Remember to never use up all your money first! This is a mistake people who are new to marketing do. Always have a plan B in case the plan never works.

As for advertising, I recommend doing so in Saturday or Sunday. Friday nights are usually all taken up and Saturday would be a good day for advertisements. Try launching the Ad at around 11 PM Friday as well, therefore for 24 hours on Saturday it shows up for all day.

Never cut any expenses on GFX and UI as well, as it’ll be the first thing a player sees, try to make a good first impression and you’ll be on your way to success!

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This is close to repeating a post, in future please try to search before you create a new topic repeating the same/similar problem.

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I would say a mixture of ads And maybe spend 2000 R$ on each one, however if your aiming for a very large game that has high performance I would spend 4000 R$.

For a café, unfortunately, That wouldn’t do in most case.

As you may know, there is alot of roleplay games where the concept is pretty much the same, and 10,000 R$ may possibly just leads you in gaining less than what you’d spend in ads, multiple reasons why :

    1. Sponsoring/Ads is seen by everyone (mostly Premium), it is viable globally if it’s a game that reaches a bit the interest or theme of everyone, and roleplay isn’t a game for everyone, in the least, i know that alot of new players are not comfortable with it.
    1. As i said, there is alot of roleplay games, The only way your game eventually become a success is to surpass the competition either in Quality or Quantity, if you ask why, it’s a simple mind-set, why people would play yours if a better one exists ? it will eventually make people stay or interested to join your group if new features or more ways to socialise opens up (i believe the latest idea was baking & distritube plateau, but then again, still lots of improvement to do, the plateau is a tool and doesn’t even reach the table lol)
    1. The Introduction is rather primordial, considering the ads or game icons all looks the mega same ! it’s either a Employee or fashion person waving one hand, or, worst case scenario, just standing there like a good boy-render, you are only regonizable if you’re different from the norm, Cause it’s all about clones for the part years now, Simulators, for example, are gameplay wise all the same, the variety of visuals is the only illusion to kids thinking it’s actually a new game !

Eventually, whenever you meet these conditions or not, to test your game whenever people enjoys it or not, you’d try to only grab a server at best to see the situation, which might be around 2,000 R$ for that.

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Sounds good. Though, if you owned a cafe, what would your advertisement plan be?

2,000 R$ a day, if your revenue is superior to what you spend, i’d go for maximum 5,000 R$/day, large sum doesn’t really helps, one time i did wasted 55k and it gave me only 14k back :joy:

once again, you have to start small to guarantee the lifespan/fun of your game, because you can’t really get first-impressions simulations over your own game.

As much as you can afford with wiggle room ofcourse. When i first made my group i ran ads every friday (about 10-20k each) for like the first year and a half.

Do you think it’s fine I run ads on a Monday (tomorrow) considering it’s still summer for a good amount of people.

Alot of people have started school already so idk if that would affect your impressions but by all means.

If I ran ads tomorrow and then ran ads this weekend, it’d be cool right? (or I could run ads everyday).