How much would it cost to let a professional builder build me a building,

Hi there!

As I can’t post in the development discussion, I’ll post it here. I am wondering how much it would cost to get a headquarters building built for our group. I am looking for group payout prices.

It should have 15 offices, modern structure, tiny refectory, kind of like cinema room which can fit 50 players inside all looking to a stage. I can build the spotlights myself.

I have no design yet, so it would be from scratch.

If this is the wrong section to post in, please let me know! :slight_smile:

Kid regards and thanks in advance,


This seems more like something which should be in #public-collaboration:public-recruitment


To be honest, as a builder I don’t really have a ‘formula’ for price settings. I wonder if someone else has one(for instance more robux proportional to quality), or if they have fixed prices for specific builds.


I’m not sure, as I won’t be reqruiting anyone when it exceeds my budget, lol.

That’s exactly why I’m asking for opinions on it. :wink:


You can specify your budget in the recruitment post and if you are not sure about the amount just post a minimum and say its negotiable. I do see how there could be some confusion with where this should go however due to it being a question and a recruitment.


Agreed. Do you think I’d get anywhere with 5K Robux?


This is just for one building not for a game so I would say thats far too much.


That’s around 0 robux, lol. Would be cheap.

Yeah, I do honestly think that 75k is to much. Like it’s just a building, nothing too big. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I expect that experienced builders would spend like 4 hours on it, or less.

Kind regards,


There will be far more stuff than the buildings; I’ll script it myself for scripts worth like 200k robux, lol.

Thanks for your reply, though!


I do agree with you this whole price depends on what size and quality you are asking for.

@marketmanager1 I understand that you are not sure how you want this building to look but I think it would be beneficial for you to explain in further detail the scale of the building and time you expect us to be working on it.


Would an image of another design be a good guide? I thought of something like this:

Just a little smaller.


It would depend on how many robux you are willing spend on a builder. In theory the more robux you spend the better the build will be from the builder. It also depends on how quickly you want it done. From the image that you provided you may be looking between the region of 10 - 15k robux.


Thanks, I found a builder for 3k. I’m curious for the result!


If the builder has made some nice things in the past you should have a good result.

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Yes, he did. He showed me some of his past buildings, they’re damn good!

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Your best options for payment are USD, CAD or Robux.
I recommend this builder, this one too. Good luck. :+1:


I would hope you’re going to pay the builder more than $10.50 USD for a building that fits those requirements :stuck_out_tongue: Even if they accepted that offer, they likely only did because they themselves don’t know their worth.

As for your main question, there are a LOT of variables that make an artist’s rate greatly vary from another.

For instance, I’m a professional artist with over 10 years of experience, have multiple games under my belt, and tens of millions of users who have seen my work across multiple games. I can create a large range of assets in Studio as well as meshes and textures with third party software. My prices reflect that.

When coming up with a cost, many artists factor in a few things:

  • the time required to complete it (much like an hourly rate)
  • the complexity of the requirements (personally, a fully textured rig takes me longer than a city for instance, research counts towards time)
  • how close the deadline is (if I have to move around deadlines of other projects or forgo sleep to get a map made in five days, the person pays for that)
  • how much is already planned (if you give me a greybox, I can get straight to the art and don’t have to guess if this map flow fits with your character movement or combat mechanics, which takes time to figure out, thus increasing the first variable)
  • and of course, revisions, changes, and tweaks (though personally I tend to leave out this rate and just include it as a “bonus” but most artists shouldn’t, and don’t)

(this is by no means a full list)

This can really add up if you don’t know what you’re doing or how to communicate what your expectations are. And remember:

good works costs money.


What is CAD?

3k robux is $30. I do not have the ability to spend more.

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CAD is Canadian money—like Canadian USD. :grinning: Hope this helped.


The large majority of devs use the first tier of dev ex as a baseline for R$ to USD conversion in most of cases. This makes it the most fair for the person doing the work as it’s what they’re actually getting out of the deal. Using the buying price of R$ on Roblox isn’t accurate for what you actually get out of it.


So 100k = $350 USD, which would mean that 3k is $10.5 USD.

I understand if you cannot afford more, but don’t be upset if builders quote you out of your budget.