How to achieve "metallic" CD look in Roblox Studio?

Hello devs!

I was curious if any of you knew of a way to mimic a “colorful metallic” look in Roblox Studio. It is hard to explain so here is an example:

I am trying to make a CD in roblox with that sort of overly-reflective metallic look, and I am unsure of how to achieve that.


Try using UIGradient

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Doesn’t work if you make it a child of a part.

Where would I put that to make it apply to the part?

You have to add a surface GUI and then a UIGradient

You could use a decal on the CD.

See if reflections help:

If its really important to the game, you can try making a PBR material for it, otherwise, some trickery with texture design and stuff should do the trick.

Or, if you want to, you can try taking a look at this ugc item for inspiration :man_shrugging:

I’m pretty sure it takes into effect the Reflection property. which reflects only the skybox (aka sun) :skull: (ik its very sad).

You can model a CD in blender and apply the texture.

made it in blender and post it on Roblox.

Jojo reference???