How to actually use A*?

I am running into a problem with one of my pathfinding npcs, I want him to ignore doors when pathfinding so he isn’t stuck in one room until you find him, but every post I see about this says to just make your own pathfinding. I heard A* is the most efficient, and I have found a few examples, but how would I translate this to an npc? The ones I have found are very simple showcases of it and I wish I could find an example of an npc utilizing it. Can someone give me some resources(videos, wikis, books, etc) to point me in the right direction, as I feel like this is a bit out of scope for me to figure out for myself. I am not asking for you to write an advanced A* pathfinding npc for me, simply just to point me in the right direction.


Link to an implementation of it in Roblox:


The key for an NPC, is to translate it into 3D, the simplest way to do it is with a grid representing Vector 3 coordinates. And a custom built Get Neighboring cells function.

Learning the grid is an entire topic by itself one way to learn how to translate a 2d table grid into 3d coordinates is from terrain generation, there is an integer cell and it translates into vector 3.

gridData[1][1] =,0,0)
gridData[5][5] =,0,5)

From there you can traverse this 2d Grid using A star path finding from gridData[1][1] to gridData[5][5] and move an npc from,0,0) to,0,5) using :MoveTo or tweening depends on what you want.

here are some more resources,


Thank you everyone for your responses, this is very helpful!

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Yeah you can get the code from Wikipedia, nd also decide a way to define walkable and non-walkable nodes, plus Doors…

You could use a ray-caster, and include Doors in the Whitelist (The model itself:

You could turn that place into a 3D chessboard., and have Players drop bradcrumbs with info of Next Breadcrumb… This method would ignore Doors…

You could use Roblox Pathfinding but fix the Doors: Make them out of water… or somehow make them walkable to the Pathfind…

You could use the new pathfinding modifiers for this, although it’s still in beta.

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l was not aware of this, I will get on this right away! Thanks! I actually just made my npc find the nearest door when the patrol paths fail so it can’t get stuck, but this will be so much better!