How to add “Drag” to falling


I want to achieve drag for wallrun, so when you are wallrunning, I want it to make you fall down slowly, essentially dragging.

So basically when you are wallrunning, you get drag that drags u down.

I already have the wallrunning mechanic finished I just want to know how to make a drag to falling or slow falling. Thank you for reading.

You can add a constant downward dragging velocity to simulate gravity while on the wall, this can be best done with Mover constraints like Linear Velocity

If your wall run scripts already use a mover constraint, then simply add a negative Y velocity

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In a movement demo I made, I use a VectorForce with Force value, 2400, 0), parented to the Character’s RootPart & Adornee’d to the RootAttachment

All I have to do is tick the .Enabled property to toggle the slow-falling effect

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Sickkkk, thats exactly what I wanted! Thanks.

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