How to add a Traditional Decal to a SpecialMesh?

I’m trying to add a traditional Decal (or Texture) [shown here] to a Part with a SpecialMesh. I specifically only want the Decal to show on a single face.

Just adding a Decal won’t work. I also tried useing SurfaceGuis, witch worked, but did not look right in most circumstances. I also can’t edit the UVs of the models as they aren’t mine, they are Roblox’s.

If you want to know why I need this, it is because I’m trying to re-add shirt and pants textures to characters generated via a script. The script converts all MeshParts into SpecialMeshs – because of Roblox limitations outlined here – but because of that, Shirts and Pants instances don’t show up anymore, meaning I have to recreate them via a script.

Thanks for responding if you did, this is essencally my last attempt in trying to get this script to work… :wink:

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Ok so… I dont think this is possible without either…

making your own version of the mesh so you can edit the UV map accordingly

Making your own shirt decals that fit the mesh


Just make a character(meshpart) and copy it instead of making a new one.

I could be wrong tho.

(also how do you get your text to be so small?)