Instead of Manually Trello banning someone why not do it automatically?
First, you need the Trello Plugin: Basic Admin Trello Bans Plugin - Roblox
Second, you need Basic admin: Basic Admin Essentials 2.0 - Roblox
Third, you need a Trello Account:
How does it work?
If a Player Says this command :tban [User]
it Trello bans a player.
- Setting up your Trello
- Getting your Trello Information
- Adding the Trello Plugin
Part 1
Setting up your Trello.
First, you need to enable HttpService, for it to work.
Step 1:
Opening your game settings
Then Go to the Tab where it says
And you will see the following options:
Click on “Allow HTTP Requests” and click save.
Now you have HttpService Enabled!
Part 2
Getting your Trello Information.
You will need the following:
- Token
- Application Key
- Board Id
To Get your Trello Board Id it’s simple.
You will need to copy the Board Id:
Now you have your Board Id.
Now you need your Application Key:
And you will see a box that has your “API Key”
Now you have your Application Key!
Now you need your token:
Click on “Token” that blue link button
When you click on that blue link button you will see this page
Scroll down until you see the allow button
Click on that aloud button, and you will get your token.
You’re done with Part 1 And 2
Part 3
Adding the Trello Plugin/Connecting it to Basic Admin
First, HTTP Service MUST be Enabled.
When you enter your Basic Admin Script, you will find this:
['Trello'] = true, -- Must Be Enabled for it to work, don't forget to have HTTP Service On
['Trello Board'] = (''), -- Trello board ID.
['Trello App Key'] = (''), -- Private trello application key.
['Trello Token'] = (''), -- Private trello token.
Don’t forget to fill it out if you have not already
After you filled out that Trello Configuration you need to fill out another one:
You will find a Module Script Named: TrelloConfiguration
return {
['Trello_Bans_List_Name'] = 'Trello Bans', --Trello Bans List Name
['Trello_Token'] = '', --Trello Token
['Trello_App_Key'] = '', --Trello App Key
['Trello_Board_Id'] = '', --Trello Board Id
When you filled that out, it’s time for the full code.
Before you fill out the full code listen to this part
You can Modify the CommandName
, CommandPrefix
, and CommandDescription
local pluginName = 'tban' --Command Name
local pluginPrefix = Prefix --Command Prefix ":"
local pluginLevel = 3 --Command Permission to use it, either 1,2,3,4 I recommend it to be 3
local pluginUsage = "<User(s)>"
local pluginDescription = "Trello Bans a player." --Command Description
Full Code:
local Plugin = function(...)
local Data = {...}
local Trello_Module = require(script.TrelloModule)
local remoteEvent = Data[1][1]
local remoteFunction = Data[1][2]
local returnPermissions = Data[1][3]
local Commands = Data[1][4]
local Prefix = Data[1][5]
local actionPrefix = Data[1][6]
local returnPlayers = Data[1][7]
local cleanData = Data[1][8]
local pluginName = 'tban'
local pluginPrefix = Prefix
local pluginLevel = 0
local pluginUsage = "<User(s)>"
local pluginDescription = "Trello Bans a player."
local function pluginFunction(Args)
local Player = Args[1]
local Player_Permisson = returnPermissions(Player)
local Targets = returnPlayers(Player,Args[3],Args[1])
for a,b in next,Targets do
local Target_Permisson = returnPermissions(b)
if Player_Permisson > Target_Permisson then
local IsTrelloBanned,HttpError = pcall(function()
if IsTrelloBanned then
remoteEvent:FireClient(Player,'Hint','Success','Successfully Trello Banned: '..tostring(b.Name)..' with the UserId of '..tonumber(b.UserId))
b:Kick('\nYou where Trello Banned From: '
elseif HttpError then
remoteEvent:FireClient(Player,'Message','Trello Error',HttpError)
-- Return Everything to the MainModule --
local descToReturn
if pluginUsage ~= "" then
descToReturn = pluginPrefix..pluginName..' '..pluginUsage..'\n'..pluginDescription
descToReturn = pluginPrefix..pluginName..'\n'..pluginDescription
return pluginName,pluginFunction,pluginLevel,pluginPrefix,{pluginName,pluginUsage,pluginDescription}
return Plugin
It won’t kick me because I made it so it won’t kick me, it’s for an example!
If there is any problems DM Me on Roblox or the devfourm.
And there, Trello banned me.
@Aiden_12114 - Trello Module
@TheFurryFish - Basic Admin
@bacionhairmanfur2 - Trello Plugin/Modified Trello Module
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