How to Add Trello Bans to basic admin

It’s a easy way of banning someone with out paying for databases.

Not really, just use atlas. They even give you 512MB for free.

Basic Admin Essentials 2.0 has a Trello Ban feature. OP created this resource as an extension to the Trello Ban feature so admins can ban without going on Trello.

If you are gonna use a command such as :tban to Trelloban someone, then why wouldn’t you just use :pban(BAE’s permban command). In my opinion, Trellobans are a waste of time and resources as you still have to do most of the stuff a normal pban would do. Also, Trello wasn’t made for things like databases and logging. It was made for things such as tracking tasks and information about something(such as a group or event).

Why use Perm-Ban when the command can be abused by others to un-perm ban others in-game while Trello can be manually or automatically added.Preformatted text

Also, people don’t want to pay for databases or create one so the easy way is trello.

If you wanna prevent abusers from un-perm banning in your games, Trello bans are not the solution. In my opinion, the most obvious solution to this would be to set the :unpban command to a higher admin level. For example, we can say like:

['Command Configuration'] = {
	['pban'] = {
		['Permission'] = 2;
           ['unpban'] = {
                    ['Permission'] = 4;

This would set it so that admins can pban anyone abusing but only people with creator admin could unpban them(these numbers are assuming you haven’t messed with the module).

Yeah, but you don’t have to pay for databases. There are things like Google Firebase that have free versions. Also, for creating one it will take time(you will have to make a script in-game that knows how to communicate with that server and add and remove bans) but it will be more efficient to use than Trello as every time I used to use Trello for things like this, it would always fail on me(especially with Basic Admin). My game for ban logging currently uses a panel that adds bans to a Datastore along with using Discord Webhooks for logging(we’re looking at alternatives to this). If you don’t want to go through the pain of using a Database, then I would suggest using that(to edit bans like changing the time, you’re most likely gonna have to learn how to edit a Datastore value or get a Plugin that allows you to do so but they’re not that hard to find out and the plugins are usually inexpensive).

Do you not realize that Trello can be owner only?

Please re-read what I said:

As I said:

Additionally, if the Trello was setup already it’s unnecessary if you setup the datastore.

Trellobans can be used for multiple games, while pbans are limited to the specific game due to data stores.

You can also ban/unban people without joining the game by going onto the Trello board and adding/archiving cards.

You also have a record of previously banned players if you archive cards. The pban system only removes the player’s ban from the data store.


What’s the difference of using this and using Roblox datastores?

Everything you said can also be done with a database. As I said before, Trello was not meant for these kinds of things. As a result, Trello can become slow after a lot of bans. If you use a database(preferably a paid one), this is something you wouldn’t have to deal with. Also, how would you know if Trello would keep your bans safe? Using a ban database can not only mean that global bans are possible, but you could also both appeal bans and give out temporary bans(something that Basic Admin lacks) if you give it that function.

As @COUNTYL1MITS and I said

If trello is not for bans I would not be posting this resource.

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Sorry that I’m late, how can we add a reason that sets the description?

this only kicks someone from the game, how can i change it to a ban?

it doesnt work for me, i also dont have “trellomodule”

b:ban('\nYou were Banned From: '
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Is it possible to make it instead of a perma ban it’s a temporary ban n it moves or removes the card whenever the ban is up?

The creator of this resource is permanently banned from the DevForum, so he unfortunately can’t answer anymore questions.

Hey there!

If this is ever wanted, I could fork this repository and get it back up and running! :slight_smile:

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Yes, I think trello banning is a good way to keep track of who’s ban for what reason, but I just don’t like how its perma ban until someone removes their card off the list

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Hey there!

It seems as if due dates are crucial in your case. I’ll push out a module for it after I wrap up this update for DTR.

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