How to animate a non-living model

Hey, Y’all,

I wanted to make another tutorial on animating a model as the one we already have is just basic, let’s go!

Step 1: Grouping the parts

For example, let’s say you have a simple model with multiple parts, like so:

Group the parts into one model, like this:

Step 2: Unique names for all parts

Due to animating conditions, please rename all parts inside the model to unique names such as:

Step 3: HumanoidRootPart and Humanoid

  1. Create a part, name it “HumanoidRootPart”, set the transparency to 1, can collide off, and anchored true. Unanchor all parts except the humanoid root part.

  2. Put the brick, kinda over the model like so:

  3. Insert a humanoid in the model like so:
    Search “Humanoid” and click it.
    At the end, you should have:

Step 4: Rigging the model

If you don’t have already, make sure to install this plugin.

When installed, select the model and press the plugin button.

Then rig it, if you don’t know what to do, this is what I’ve done:

If you REALLY don’t know what to do, just select the HumanoidRootPart and all the other parts and press the “Create Joints” button on the top right:

If you followed the steps correctly, you should have some kind of skeleton.

Exit the plugin

Step 5: Animating

Open the animation editor, select the model, and animate your life away!

Once you’re done, I recommend putting the animation priority to either movement or action.

Then export it to ROBLOX and copy the ID.

Step 6: The final stage, animation and scripting

Create an animation instance and insert the ID into it:


Insert the animation ID:

Once that’s done, here’s the code to run it:

local Animation = script.Parent -- If the animation instance is it's parent
local LoadedTrack = Animation.Parent.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Animation) -- Load the animation
LoadedTrack:Play() -- Actually play the animation

To use this code, put the script here:

Thanks for reading, if you have any issues, comments or questions, please ask me in the comments.

This is what you can do with this tutorial: Streamable

YouTube tutorial: YouTube


Nice tutorial with neat images that will definitely help out beginners.

But, maybe you should switch out the Humanoid and use an Animation Controller Instance instead since I believe it should be less memory intensive as an Animation Controller Instance doesn’t have the full functionalities of a Humanoid. It should be a real quick fix.

And maybe mention more details on rigging and what the spheres in RigEdit represent I believe they represent the joints or you can link another tutorial on rigging in the beginning.

A lot of things can go wrong here especially with the root part and how some things are not rotating the way they should in the animator. I’ve experienced this before not very nice.

Nice door animation at the end :+1:.


Okay, I will keep this in mind, but that is just a very basic tutorial, a backup tutorial if the other one doesn’t work.

Thanks for your comment about the door.


Very nice tutorial! I’d suggest going a bit further into the rigging process, but overall awesome…

I appreciate you referencing my tutorial, hope it helped!


It actually did help! Thanks for your review, I was kinda stuck at the rigging step on what to say.


I found this tutorial one of the most helpful here. Before animating confused me a lot, I did not even know how to run an animation through script. Now I do!