How to Archive Avatar Items

They should just rename this to “delisting” avatar items, since that’s what the API is called anyway lol.

I really like having the ability to delist assets from the Marketplace, but it is not the same thing as archiving assets, and Roblox should not pretend like it is so.


What about Models? Will we ever have the ability to archive Models in the future? There is currently no way to archive Models like Decals and Audio. Those of us with unwanted Models are stuck with a Models & Packages section on our profiles even though we don’t want our old Models to be on display for everyone to see. The only “workaround” for this is to pin a singular Model that consists of nothing, but even, the section still remains and one Model is still visible no matter what else you do.


I hope that, if it’s possible, moderation will consider allowing people who were previously moderated or even terminated to use this process and get some form of forgiveness over it.


Should we expect to not receive a reply to our email then? Me and some people I know haven’t received an update on when our request will be acted upon.
The copyright agent email was at least able to delete assets off the website, but it seems like this new feature is just keeping it on the site and hoping no one notices… If I have an asset on my account named “SpongeBob” for example, and archive it, could I be moderated in the future? What if Nickelodeon’s lawyers find that “archived” T-shirt in the inventory of one of its owners and get my account banned? It’s concerning if there’s no way to delete copyright infringing content now. There should be a way to have it removed it from people’s inventories without moderation action.


Could work, but I’d still rather have those models gone for good.


Appreciate it. I had concerns over certain avatar items I uploaded in the past and that email had been left unread for almost 5 years. It was considerably weird to hand out moderation consequences despite not providing developers a venue to rectify past mistakes.


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Finally a useful feature I’ve been waiting for for ages…


Doesn’t work for some reason with a UGC item


Great and much needed update
On a side note - I feel like it would also be beneficial to have the option to archive on the actual items page once clicking on the action button, i.e.

So long as the item that he got banned for was listed in the removal request - they should be able to get their account back. This actually happened to me but I was able to get my account back by sending them the support ticket which contained the moderated id - not sure if you have already tried that.

how long do we have to wait until a accessory can be archived


Just noticed this as well, I can’t archive a classic t-shirt I created 3 months ago that was never even put on sale?


I don’t see it yet on my end either. :grimacing:

Edit: It appeared after a few seconds

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The long wait is over.

Question: How can we have items archived that are in groups that we no longer own, or have access to whether a group has a new owner or is closed without any members or an owner?


I’ll assume the items can only be archived if they are over 6 months old.

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Amazing update tysm I love you, I will finally be safer without having to stress because of copyrighted stuff I couldn’t delete because of that lame roblox support team.

It legit took them 18 years for that though :skull:


This is already rolled out to everyone?


4/5 items i’ve attempted to archive gave me “Failed to archive item.” :roll_eyes:


I have a problem where I accidently published an item under my account instead of my group, so now I’ve lost 2,250 robux and can’t reupload it to my group because it’s identical.

Will archiving the original one allow me to upload the new one? And why is there not some sort of transfer process available? I tried contacting support but they couldn’t do anything, not even delete the item under my account at my request so I don’t have a duplicate.

I also feel like the current publishing system is a little problematic as once an item is published under somewhere it’s stuck there. It would be nice if it could be uploaded and published under our account, but linked to a group to prevent the item being stuck under either the account or group.

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  • Even if you archive it, the system will automatically not allow it because everything in the item is still identical. You can publish it by making a slight change to the texture/mesh.

  • Your item will not be deleted as long as it does not violate the rules; archiving does not mean your item will be deleted, it just means it won’t be visible to others in the catalog.

  • You not only uploaded the item but also published it. This means you approved this twice, and I have no idea what’s going on there. Publishing an identical item multiple times is against the marketplace policy; you should be a bit more careful when agreeing twice next time.

  • If we look at the creation date of your item, you will need to wait 6+ months if you want to archive it (I assume a minimum of 6 months is required because I cannot archive an item I created 5 months and 11 days ago, and half a year kind of makes sense to me)

  • I haven’t heard of a ‘transfer process’ for UGC items being possible since the existence of UGC, so I can understand why Roblox support hasn’t helped.