How to Archive Avatar Items

Why can’t we delete decals/image from Roblox Studio ?

Just archiving them is not good enough - as they still appear in the Toolbox.
Sometimes images are not wanted… or don’t attach to an imported mesh… and you want to delete them to clean up unwanted items… but there’s no way to do that.
Why ?


Oh, thank goodness.
I’ve been waiting for this one.
thank youuuu!


Only people who have owned the item before archival will be able to see it, on any other accounts it returns a 404

That seems like a bug, that’s not intended behavior afaik


If plans to continue implementing archiving or deleting functionalities, please add an option for developers to execute these actions with a single, mass-action button. This would enable us to select multiple items and complete the process in one step, rather than handling each item individually. :pray:


This update is properly executed, however there’s a few missing stuff, such as making sure if an account gets hacked, they can return the item back if a bad actor removes it.
However, it’s better to have it the sooner because this will prevent dmcas.
This update is not meant to hide your item in-game or anywhere else, it’s supposed to remove it from being viewed into the catalog, but people can still wear items.

It is made to hide items and prevent any DMCA being sent against them, while also allowing users to wear it. A DMCA will still delete the item however, but you will not get moderated for trying to delete it

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this is a big issue honestly, ive tried to archive one of my items which was a duplicate and couldn’t archive it

How does that make sense? The copyrighted content is still staying on the platform for those who own it., which is illegal, and the images/meshes the item uses can still be DMCA striked… :sob:

As I mentioned this update opens up so many doors for malicious users to upload bypassed content to the platform and hide it so it can’t be reported. Roblox should revert this change, fix the security issues and then re-release it as they’ve done with other updates that had similar issues to this one.


every item that breaks the rules of roblox can still be reported to be taken down, if you find a user wearing it.

The purpose of this update is to allow people to remove copyrighted content that they uploaded, off the platform, which was the main issue to begin with. People need some sort of way to combat the already flawed DMCA system that gives users no way to protect themselves from getting DMCA striked. Every other platform like youtube or tiktok or other stuff, allow users to delete their videos/uploads, to prevent getting DMCA striked if they know content had copyright. This update helps those who uploaded items in the past with copyright, such as 2d clothing, but also got fooled to upload copyrighted UGC items by other people.

All items can still be deleted if they break the roblox ToS, and all bypassed content can still be reported and deleted if found

Edit: forgot to mention, if you DMCA an archived item, the item will still get deleted, however the uploader will not be punished for it

The user will still get a TOS violation.

If you find someone wearing an item that’s archived, you’ll go to their profile, click on the item and it’ll redirect you the catalog because it’s archived. How are you supposed to report the item then? You’re not understanding what I’m saying.

I don’t know why you’re against the idea of archiving a catalog item also archiving the images/meshes under the item. With the way it is right now, your infringing content remains on the platform in the form of images/meshes rather than a catalog item, and can still be striked down as it usually would. Having it archive the related images/meshes would only better support you by ensuring the content is actually removed off of the website rather than giving UGC creators like yourself a false sense of security that it has been removed, when really, it hasn’t been.

I know they do, and I know that’s why you’re disagreeing with me here–because you don’t want this feature to be rolled back. Yes, this is somewhat helpful in dealing with this issue, I’m not denying that, but it’s a half-baked feature that does 20% of what any normal user would think “archiving” an asset does. It’s inconsistent with the behavior of archiving any other asset type and it’s not what creators have been promised for months.

Yep, and I’m sure those platforms actually delete the content rather than fooling the creator into thinking it’s deleted… :sweat_smile:

I already responded to this at the top of this reply. How are we supposed to report an item when we can’t visit it’s page because it’s archived? We can’t.


you can always copy the item’s id and report it by using the report page or the dsa page
If you have access to DSA, use this page: Illegal Content Report Form - Roblox
otherwise, use this:[idhere]&RedirectUrl=%2Fcatalog%[idhere]

Also i’m not against the idea of archiving a texture/mesh under a ugc accessory, however doing that makes an item unusable, meaning those who paid will lose their item, and the robux will have to be refunded, which might get refunded out of roblox’ pocket because 30 days probably already passed. roblox is also against ruining people’s avatars unless they break tos or copyright, so if somebody wants to archive an item which is not breaking any of the rules, roblox wants to make sure the buyers won’t lose their item.

I would support full removal if that would be the case ever, but since roblox doesn’t want to ruin people’s avatars, i don’t think it will ever be the case.

In case your item gets deleted after archived, and you get banned, you should send them your ticket id and have it resolved.

Don’t get me wrong though, if roblox added a full removal of an item, i’d take that any day over archiving. But it’s better to have archiving than not to, and I think it works in a good way which also allows users to keep wearing their items if the creator wanted to delete it, ruining nobody’s outfit

(Also every update comes with bugs, so i’m sure whatever goes wrong with this update, will be improved over the years. It is definitely a step in the right direction though)


You’re suggesting niche workarounds that shouldn’t be needed here. Regular users aren’t going to go to this effort and 99% of them won’t know you can do this. DSA reports are restricted to EU users.

You can just admit that this clearly is an issue with this update :sob: you don’t have to deny it

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They should just rename this to “delisting” avatar items, since that’s what the API is called anyway lol.

I really like having the ability to delist assets from the Marketplace, but it is not the same thing as archiving assets, and Roblox should not pretend like it is so.


What about Models? Will we ever have the ability to archive Models in the future? There is currently no way to archive Models like Decals and Audio. Those of us with unwanted Models are stuck with a Models & Packages section on our profiles even though we don’t want our old Models to be on display for everyone to see. The only “workaround” for this is to pin a singular Model that consists of nothing, but even, the section still remains and one Model is still visible no matter what else you do.


I hope that, if it’s possible, moderation will consider allowing people who were previously moderated or even terminated to use this process and get some form of forgiveness over it.


Should we expect to not receive a reply to our email then? Me and some people I know haven’t received an update on when our request will be acted upon.
The copyright agent email was at least able to delete assets off the website, but it seems like this new feature is just keeping it on the site and hoping no one notices… If I have an asset on my account named “SpongeBob” for example, and archive it, could I be moderated in the future? What if Nickelodeon’s lawyers find that “archived” T-shirt in the inventory of one of its owners and get my account banned? It’s concerning if there’s no way to delete copyright infringing content now. There should be a way to have it removed it from people’s inventories without moderation action.


Could work, but I’d still rather have those models gone for good.


Appreciate it. I had concerns over certain avatar items I uploaded in the past and that email had been left unread for almost 5 years. It was considerably weird to hand out moderation consequences despite not providing developers a venue to rectify past mistakes.


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Finally a useful feature I’ve been waiting for for ages…


Doesn’t work for some reason with a UGC item