How to Archive Avatar Items

Great and much needed update
On a side note - I feel like it would also be beneficial to have the option to archive on the actual items page once clicking on the action button, i.e.

So long as the item that he got banned for was listed in the removal request - they should be able to get their account back. This actually happened to me but I was able to get my account back by sending them the support ticket which contained the moderated id - not sure if you have already tried that.

how long do we have to wait until a accessory can be archived


Just noticed this as well, I can’t archive a classic t-shirt I created 3 months ago that was never even put on sale?


I don’t see it yet on my end either. :grimacing:

Edit: It appeared after a few seconds

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The long wait is over.

Question: How can we have items archived that are in groups that we no longer own, or have access to whether a group has a new owner or is closed without any members or an owner?


I’ll assume the items can only be archived if they are over 6 months old.

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Amazing update tysm I love you, I will finally be safer without having to stress because of copyrighted stuff I couldn’t delete because of that lame roblox support team.

It legit took them 18 years for that though :skull:


This is already rolled out to everyone?


4/5 items i’ve attempted to archive gave me “Failed to archive item.” :roll_eyes:


I have a problem where I accidently published an item under my account instead of my group, so now I’ve lost 2,250 robux and can’t reupload it to my group because it’s identical.

Will archiving the original one allow me to upload the new one? And why is there not some sort of transfer process available? I tried contacting support but they couldn’t do anything, not even delete the item under my account at my request so I don’t have a duplicate.

I also feel like the current publishing system is a little problematic as once an item is published under somewhere it’s stuck there. It would be nice if it could be uploaded and published under our account, but linked to a group to prevent the item being stuck under either the account or group.

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Hey you guys put “URL” as “URl” (lowercase L)

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Same my account has been deleted so many times for stuff I uploaded in 2013.

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It seems Roblox will generally detour to help us … if it’s in their interest.
I appreciate the effort put into the assistance of the creative side…
But they need to be a little more proactive with the annoying things as well.

There is no reason for unused decals to not be deleted - not like it can be bought or not even published for that fact … yet stuck in Studio.

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Archiving will simply make it not visible to others in the catalog? That’s lame. Setting it off-sale already worked similar to this. People can still use the link to my item and see it. And that means it can be DMCA-ed too.


the link to the item will return to the catalog page if said user doesnt own it (as if it got deleted)

Are there any plans for users to be able to archive assets they’ve uploaded to groups? As I’m only able to see assets I’ve uploaded to my profile.

As it seems unfair getting moderated for assets you’re completely unable to find if you’ve left the group or forgotten where you’ve uploaded them. Or are you off the hook for assets uploaded to groups that you’re no longer apart and get moderated?

Thirdly, the asset browser starts bugging out/failing to load thumbnails once you reach ~80-100 pages of assets making it hard to archive assets way back then as you’re unable to identify assets from years ago. Just hoping this gets fixed as I can’t really go past ~2020 in terms of assets uploaded.

Does this mean email archive requests won’t be processed anymore? As there are assets from over 3 years ago that have yet to be processed.

Does sending in archive emails mean that they may be subject to an IP takedown/DMCA rather than fully removing them from the site?

And is the proactive archiving still active or has that been stopped?


Assets can be archived from groups. If you’re the owner, from my own experience, you have full control over every asset in the group no matter what user or account uploaded it.

That’s a different question if you’ve abandoned a group or if a group is under new ownership that really should be answered.
There’s a bunch of key ambiguities that are just missing from this update announcement that really should be answered.

Refresh the page. You may have to do it multiple times. It’ll load eventually. It also helps if you disnamed the asset in question, so just by looking at the name you can identify the asset without even seeing the thumbnail.

Ok this is lame.

So this is a lie, I guess?

What’s the point of archiving then? Just less probability?
We’ve waited years to have a process to remove assets from the platform and it seems that after every update we get “Sorry, our princess is in another castle”


This seemed to be the case this morning. My item is now gone completely, even from my inventory…