How to be a Successful Clothing Designer

I’m not a good clothing designer, but I believe these tips can be applied on all jobs on developing. I believe everyone will use this as inspiration for their development.

Overall, good tutorial!


What is best to create an ad for? Your clothing group, your home store, or clothing items? I want to start running ads soon so I’m wondering where I should start.


I would recommended to create your ad with 100 R$ per day to your clothing group as people will click your ad then join your group and would play homestore like homestore would be on your group or people would click store and explore your clothing so they can buy it if its useful for their avatar. so yes I would recommended it. if you make a cool ad. Im sure you will be proud of whats going to happen when you make a cool ad with these following steps on the topic and my posts.


If you’d like to make more robux, I recommend running ads for your homestore, as it is more appealing than clicking through rows and rows of clothing. Although your group member count may not increase as much as you want it to.


This is just something I’ve always wanna tell clothing designers.
Please, don’t make your homestores incredibly laggy. A simpler thing appeals to everyone, looks good, and runs on slot of devices which allows you to get more customers. That’s the only reason I don’t join home stores.


Thank you. This was quite useful info


I don’t know if it’s just me but I never profited. I run 1 ad every other day and I bid 100 robux, on off days, I advertise on instagram. In total I made 409 robux exactly and I spent 1000 in total. My ads also have pretty ok CTR, around 0.5.


If your group is a smaller group (10k ish or less), you most likely won’t make a profit from ads.

BUT, running ads will keep your group growing, the group will show on more people’s profiles, ally with more groups, and eventually, your group will get to the point where you’ll be happy you spent that much on ads because your group is making a large amount of robux in a day.

Of course, it’ll be hard to get a group to that point, but it’s not impossible, and once it starts growing that fast it most likely won’t stop.


This really helps, appreciate it. Just a question, would you say it’s better to advertise your homestore or the group itself? Also, I’d be willing to ally with your group if that’s alright with you!


I addressed that up here :slight_smile: And sure, I’d be happy to ally with your group.

Oh, my bad. Must have missed it. Yeah, I’ve been changing my ads between both. Before running ads, what would you recommend as a good number of clothing pieces in the homestore? I’ll send your group a request soon. My group is called expenent.

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Honestly, however many are in your group, and try to update the homestore frequently. It’ll keep your customers coming back to see what new clothes you’ve made.


Honestly, running ads isn’t the most effective way. People spend literally thousands on ads, and if you’re a small business well I don’t wanna be rude but you can’t really compete against those if you’re only putting a little amount of ROBUX into it. Apart from that, this is a pretty nice guide for people who are just learning how to design!


Yeah, I totally understand that! With giant clothing groups like “Aesthetic Vibe”, etc, running multiple ads at a time 24/7.

I meant effective as in getting the most “click-throughs” as possible. I was trying to help people who might not have that much experience running (and making) ads.

Again, it is pretty hard to compete with those kinds of big groups running ads all the time, but that wasn’t the purpose of that section. I’m just trying to help people get the most out of their ads :slight_smile:


Ah, alright. I understand what you’re trying to say now. I didn’t think about it in that way.


Would you recommend increasing your prices now, considering the awful new fee that has been implemented?

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I’m actually taking a break from designing at the moment, but it depends on if you’re the one who has to upload the clothing.

If you’re doing a one-time commission and the buyer is going to upload the clothing themselves, no. I wouldn’t raise my prices for that. But if I had to upload a clothing for someone, I would raise it to include the amount I would have to spend to upload.

Wait the 50 Robux fee has been implemented??

I can still upload without paying.

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@ixArcher, Since your taking a break from designing will you still be able to complete my clothing order? I don’t mind if I have to upload the clothing.

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Yes I can still complete your order, I meant long-term. I’m only doing commissions at the moment, and only the ones that I have time for.