How to begin scripting at your own?

I was ever wondering how do people learn scripting, and how do they know all of those codes and lines for scripting.

How do they learn that? I have watched many tutorials many places where you are supposed to learn scripting, but it doesn’t help.

Does anyone know how to begin with scripting?


I personally learned by using free models and copying scripts and altering them to do what I wanted. I would then create small things from scratch.

Nowadays, when I need to learn a new coding language, I find the easiest way to be following video tutorials and effectively copying the code written by the person who created the tutorial to be the best method for me. I would then alter the code looking for what works and what doesn’t and then expand out from there.


So you learned scripting by that method?

Yes, I learned coding using the first method and I learn new languages (i.e. Swift, Python, etc) using the second method. I think the second method would be good for beginners too, though.

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Okay! Thanks for letting me know about that.

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I learned to script in about a year by using a kit. The kit came with the very basics, so I learned how to make it more advanced, and had tons of code to look at to help me.

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There are many topics on this subject.

Please search for related topics before posting one.


Find something that you are passionate to work on, for me I like to make SCP related things and like to work with UI and other stuff. Don’t try to aim for big projects like trying to create really cool stuff in your head, It will be ok if you will never finish a certain things before moving onto next one.

For starters I would suggest to try to learn about simple things such as variables and for loops as they can save you a lot of time instead of writing 100 lines of code for a simple thing.

In the end you have to remember that anything is possible and your first scripts may not be the perfects ones but that’s the great thing - you’ll be able to go back on your older scripts and improve them as you learn. Main thing to keep in mind is that when scripting you wanna put as less work on yourself as possible thus why things like GetChildren() and loops exist.

Don’t be afraid to look up your errors and ask frequently your questions on how to make certain things as that is the main part of learning rather then get the answer and then forget about it once you done the thing.


I have been watching loads of yt videos and looking at free models! When watching yt series I like to watch the beginners all the way to the advanced. Even watching the do something like live coding helps a lot because you can see them as the make a mistake, what they do to fix it (debugging), etc. And most important is the devforum. It’s been great for me to see what kind if problems others have and what kind of help they get and you can make a mental note of it or write it down!

I am a beginner rn and that’s what has been helping me out!

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Use the search bar. There’s at least 5 other existing topics.

How and what different ways are there to learn scripting after learning the basics?

Learning Scripting

Plus a ton more alongside tutorials in #resources:community-tutorials or maybe resources in #resources:community-resources.

Simply search learn scripting in the DevForum search, you’ll find a ton of results.

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I agree:
Suchergebnisse für ‘Learning scripting’ - Roblox Developer Forum.pdf (454,5 KB)

Pls, if you want help about this only read the other posts. And if you then not understand something specific then ask this specific thing, but stop creating so posts.

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I’m a bit late at this point, but if you haven’t tried, you should definitely try Lua Learning. It will teach you the basics of Lua. Once you’ve learned the basics, you can try to “challenge” yourself by trying to make things, like automated games. Moreover, this is more of an optional stage, but I recommend you spend a few days learning about algorithms before getting into learning any actual programming languages. Algoritms aren’t a real programming language, but you’ll learn how programming somehow works with blocks instead of writting lines, that helped me a lot at the beginning. I hope you’ll enjoy your journey as a rookie programmer. :3

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I learnt scripting by youtube videos and looking at other scripts. If you just google Roblox Scripting you will get a lot of different videos.

I learned a bit of scripting from YouTube tutorials taking it slow like, how to make a GUI or main menu. And then as I got used to it and some practicing I got used to it. So you and everyone can definitely learn scripting.

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I learned to script both from looking at free model scripts and editing them and looking at the Roblox Wiki’s scripting tutorial. (which is now the developer hub) If you’re like me and always forget things in videos those methods may work for you.

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Okay, will note that. Didn’t know.

Thanks man. I am a bit late to respond, will not that also.

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I learned to script by just knowing what I want to make, and trying to make it. If I get stuck, I go to the forum. I would usually look into free models and see if theres something that I could learn from too.

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