How to Build a Roblox Portfolio + Tips to Apply for a Project


My name is Anne. I am the founder of Fullflower Studio LLC. As someone who is constantly posting an ad searching for developers to work with, I have come across quite a few styles of portfolios. Today, I want to share with you good practices as well as bad practices when building your portfolio. I will also be sharing a few tips on how to approach a developer that you want to work for.


Link Wall
When you are applying for a position, you have to think about how many other applicants are also applying for the position.

I have seen quite a few developers that will send in their portfolio by giving me a list of links. This does not stand out and it makes it difficult for the person reviewing your work to get a solid idea of your skill level.

Example of a link wall


Photo Wall
This method is not as bad, but there are definitely better ways of organizing your work than sending several messages of pictures to someone that is reviewing your work.

Again, this will make it hard for the reviewer to see all of your work in one space. They will also miss the initial message that you send, because its way up somewhere at the top of all the images you just sent them.

Example of a photo wall

What should you avoid?
You want to avoid making it difficult for the developer reviewing your work to get a solid idea of your skill level in a glimpse. There are a few other ways that people have tried to share their work with me, but these are some of the most unattractive ways you could be trying to sell your skill set to a team.

One more mistake I tend to see
Less is more. As someone reviewing your work, I want to see your best work, not all of your work. Update your portfolio regularly so that those searching can see your chefs kiss top quality work!

How to set up a portfolio

When you have a solid organized portfolio, you will yourself look organized and appear as a great candidate for a project. Especially if you are keeping it up to date and sharing any past collaborations that you have had.

Using the DevForums for your portfolio
Roblox has provided us with a great feature on the DevForums where you are able to create a portfolio post. This is a great way to display your work, but also a great way to have those you have worked with in the past share their experience while working with you.

One great example of a DevForum portfolio is one by @i5k. What I like about this is that as soon as I open the page, I see an eye catching image. The forums has a feature where you can hide pictures / text under drop downs which I think is great because it doesn’t overwhelm the post. However, it is also really great to include at least 1 or 2 images right at the top of some of your most proud work to really captivate an audience.

Using alternative sites for your portfolio
One great example, is by using a site called ITS FREE!! It is a great way to display all of your greatest work. One great example of a Roblox portfolio that someone has built is by one of my friends, @EvilArtist. As soon as you hop on the site you see an eye catching piece of art that they have made. Their work is very organized and it only displays their most proud creations.

First look

Best work

Sending your initial message

Tell them how you are going to make their project better
If the ad for a game includes a link to their progress so far, you should really go and play it / evaluate it. I get really excited about applicants that take the time to review my project, because it shows me that they are truly interested and will bring value to the team. It shows that they have dedication to their work as well.

Please, get excited!! Let the person reviewing your work know how passionate you are about what you do. Let them know what excites you about joining their team. Nothing is a bigger turn away than someone who approaches me in a negative or dull manner. You want to make sure that the people you want to work with know you will bring more light and positivity to the work environment that you will be joining.

Don’t make your message too long
You need to remember that they are reviewing a lot of applicants. I think its important to keep your message 2 paragraphs if possible. Word walls are intimidating and hard to read.

Make it eye catching
Like I mentioned above, I think it can be nice to include a single image showcasing your most proud work. I see pictures and I light up as someone who is searching for good developers for my projects.

Programmers, Include snippets of code and organization methods
Getting to play the work you have done and seeing videos of cool things you have built is really awesome. However, what goes on behind the scenes is equally as important.

As a developer, I want to make sure your background work is organized and readable. Show off how good you comment your code. Show how you structure your workspace. It gives the reviewer peace of mind, as you intend to work with a team.


Thank you for coming to my ted talk. I hope that these tips help you in the future to get hired for teams of your dreams! If you have any more helpful tips, feel free to share! :slightly_smiling_face:


Helpful tips from responses:


Really good tips I would definitely use in the future!


Thank you for using my website as an example, I’m honored!! :heart: Definitely need to update it, I’ve made so many things I’m proud of recently!


Good tips, honestly never really thought of many of the more minute details you mentioned from the perspective as an applicant, but I definitely see how important these things are now because hiring people is difficult!


Great Tutorial, if I may add one thing - if you’re a scriper why not build your website in github pages? Doing so:

  • Shows your skill in multiple languages
  • Completely free from building, to hosting to your url
    (custom URL free with student package)
  • Passionate, resourceful and technical

Honestly, very good tips. I searched for how to get hired and this came up and i got my answer. Just one question if as a scripter showing a code i made, allows other people to steal it.So how should i show my work?


Showing only code isn’t effective and you should showcase what the code does as well because not everyone is a Scripter so they won’t understand your code anyways, and you shouldn’t worry about people stealing your code because no one cares about it, it’s unlikely that your code is useful to their situation, new, innovative or hard to replicate in the first place.


Oh okay i am new to development.Thanks for your help

Great tips! Could someone rate my portfolio. [open] Professional builder 4 years experience [for hire]

Maybe I’d rate it a 7 because its kind of just a photowall.


Good portfolio, but you should re-do the picture at the top cause it shows your name in the leaderboard at the top

You can’t do it anymore. I think they made a website just for this.

So Roblox made a separate website for dev portfolios?

Not sure what you mean by “They”

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I said “they” because there is many employees that made the website. If i used “he” then only one did it

This is very helpful for the new developers to promote themselves and get hired easily as having a professional portfolio enables one to attract more clients and get a good profit. Also, I liked your word choices and presentation.

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Great guide, it’s a shame we are kinda limited to Wix now since the Talent Hub is still very limited now.

I definitely need to go and look at my portfolio website and make sure I’m displaying my best work (should also aim for better mobile support, maybe list that as advice?)

This was really helpful, thank you for this!! :sunny:

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They did, it is called the Talent Hub.

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