I don’t know how to calculate the distance from some part to other part in studs.
Any reply helps Thanks!
please look up your questions before posting
local runService = game:GetService(“RunService”)
MagnitudeRange = (partA.Position - partB.Position).Magnitude
might have been wrong
first I need to do a lot of edits to the script but anyway, I fixed it but it lags EXTREMELY.
And I want to make it refresh every second…
It lags? it’s supposed to be on client
my bad i did some accidents and stuff. What are you trying to do? so i can make a proper one
What exactly do you need it for? Chance is there’s a more efficient / cleaner way to achieve what you want.
the only reason it lags is because you’re printing every frame, remove the print and it shouldn’t lag.
I’m making a game where you control a car and you need to make it to the end i need it for the indicator GUI that show how many studs you have left.
locla Distance = (part1.Position-endpart.Position).Magnitude