How to change the camera of one player


So I am trying to make some CCTV cameras where is the player choose to have it on there view/camera will move to where the camera is (a part). I am unsure on how to do this because I have never really used the camera that much and I am getting confused when looking for an answer. If someone could tell me how I could do this or point me to the correct direction that would be great.

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In order to change the camera locally, you’ll need to use a local script and include like so:

local camera = workspace.Camera

Then depending where you want to have that camera, you can use CFrame to position it like so:

local camera = workspace.Camera
camera.CFrame = Camera.CFrame * CFrame.New(0,1,0) -- This will move the camera up, it's based on the XYZ axis

You can read more about it here: