How to check if something can be cloned?

Im trying to clone everything in the game to a viewport frame. I keep getting errors for things like cant clone workspace so I would like to know if I could skip certain stuff to only clone the things that can be cloned?

Well you cannot clone workspace itself… but you can clone instances

Yes I know thats why I want to know if theres a work around.

run a for loop and clone everything in the workspace

for _, Instance in ipairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
      if Instance:IsA("Instance") then
      -- clone

and if you wanted to leave certain things out then you can just add that in the if statement as well such as the camera and terrain and what not

well I want to get EVERYTHING in the game. I have tried using game:GetDescendants() but again those errors of what I have tried from you code. Is there another way? Since im trying to replicate everything back to client on the viewport frame.

Why do you want to clone everything?

So you can review it all in the view port frame. Im doing it for testing purposes.

So just do what @Taveple told you and iterate over each service like that.
There also is no point into cloning everything that’s not a part into a viewport, because it’s not gonna show.

something like this? image

some what… I cant seem to get the skybox to show on the viewport frame (If thats possible) do you know how to do that? Im kinda doing that but instead its the players camera so its live.

Just color the background of the viewport to cyan and it’ll give the effect.

Hmm getting the skybox in a viewport frame im pretty sure is impossible so you will only be able to use part-like instances. As @Aspecky said, the best idea would to indeed only clone things like parts. also take a look at this post, this is what I used to make that minimap but it has some other things that may help. Minimap Render [RoRenderV3] - #61 by SillyMeTimbers

However… take a look at this. Re-Creating a Portal Effect, - #46 by EgoMoose

that wont look right. Im having a realistic type of reflection with the viewport frame. Here is a video im trying to recreate video

He did the exact thing I just told you, he colored the background of the viewportframe to sky blue. You know that because there are no clouds in the viewport

This will work perfectly for you then Re-Creating a Portal Effect, - #46 by EgoMoose

Re-Creating a Portal Effect, - #77 by popgoesme700 !!!

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Yes I just noticed that but I think I have the answer from ego moose’s portal thing since they say he uses a inversed mesh for the sky.