I want to store a global table variable and when updated, all the different servers receive that value. I tried using DataStore but it doesn’t seem to let me save it as a Dictionary
Before saving table in question, try using HttpService:JSONEncode(), when you want to read saved data, transform it back to table using HttpService:JSONDecode()
Just set up a normal data store, and use MessagingService to communicate the change to other servers
It should be possible. Like @Rynappel said you would have a datastore and use MessagingService to update all servers. Something like this will work though it’s quite rough but you should get an idea of how it’ll work.
local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local MessagingService = game:GetService("MessagingService")
local KEY: string = "DataStoreKeyHere"
local SCOPE: string = "Values"
local DataStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore(KEY)
local Values = {}
--@@ Update DataStore
local function Update(Key, Value)
DataStore:UpdateAsync(SCOPE, function(oldData)
oldData[Key] = Value
return oldData
--@@ Get Data
local function Sync()
local Success, Result = pcall(function()
return DataStore:GetAsync(SCOPE)
if Success and Result then
Values = Result
print("Data is synced with server")
--@@ Subscribe to topic
MessagingService:SubscribeTopic("UpdateData", function()
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