(Archive) This doesn't work anymore - How to disable the Roblox Desktop app (Windows Only)

i don’t know about you but other people seem to be running into the same problem including me. Perhaps you’re using an older build or something?



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This is patched, roblox really sucks





This is genuinely the worst update being pushed in quite a while. Why would you force an unpolished app that isn’t even optimized for use in a desktop environment, the primary use of the x86 app, over a website that already works perfectly fine?

FFS at least make it opt-in/ or something that can be disabled.

To make matters worse, the app you can get off the Microsoft store puts this to shame, because at least that is designed to be used on a desktop.

It was, between last night and right now the MS Store app has been updated.


They didn’t even make an announcement post so I can tell them that this is dogwater there instead.


For anyone saying this is not working, try using powershell script by @pobammer: How to disable the Roblox Desktop app (Windows Only) - #29 by pobammer

What this script does is simple, checking registry per 50 milliseconds and if it’s modified, it reverts back to InBrowser.

I tried this and it worked.

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You did the worst option available, could’ve just made roblox administrator then reinstall and it fixes for now

I tried to use this but I had no luck, I am still forced into the desktop app! Roblox really needs to allow players to get rid of the desktop app.

I patched my RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe binary to inhibit it’s ability to even launch the roblox app. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


IMO it’s not that bad compared to installing roblox on administrator,
If roblox made opt-out feature it would be the best.


I find having to remember to run a ps script each time a bit annoying, so for anyone wanting a one and done solution to this. I patched RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe to remove it’s ability to ever launch a game using the roblox app. It’s a lightweight (albeit maybe overkill) fix to this intrusive update.

You can get it here!
Updated for version-6e0b311456564a74


It probably stops working when you get update, or you have to replace RobloxPlayerLauncher.exe like you have to reinstall shader, but still cool if repo keeps updated!

Yeah, it probably would have to be replaced/updated every update. I appreciate the feedback a ton, thank you!

You can make the ps script run on startup with your Windows by putting a batch file in shell:startup through Windows run. Locate where your ps script is saved, and then put this code in the batch file that you created in your startup folder, but obviously direct where the ps script is located (for me, I have it saved in documents):
Powershell.exe -windowstyle hidden -ExecutionPolicy Bypass c:/users/scriptily/documents/disablebetaapp.ps1

Yeah, I’m well aware that I can make it run on startup. The problem is that the powershell script always running is a waste of system resources and the whole idea of racing against roblox to write the registry key is so convoluted compared to the better solution out there.

Would you be able to explain how your program prevents launching through the InApp mode?

I found multiple ways it can be done in the here and now:

  1. Replace RobloxPlayerBeta.exe and change the registry key each time you try to launch it.

  2. Open a URL using the roblox-player protocol that seems to permanently set your launch mode to InBrowser. This script was last updated 18 days ago.

  3. Intercepting open instances of Rōblox that use InApp and then make the regedit changes so it can relaunch in the old app.

It isn’t working. It seems to be automatically reset the registry key. (Probably upon booting). (I tried again and though maybe I just didn’t do it right and it didn’t save, but nope, it just resets it).

1 and 3 is same way but with different languages:
Checking registry per some milliseconds and if changed, revert back to InBrowser.

2 is intersting but it’s not working.

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