How To Dress NPCs

Thank you for letting me know! This issue should now be resolved.

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For a while I’ve had to struggle with painstakingly going through the catalogue, finding a shirt, copying the link, subtracting 1 and crossing my fingers the asset id works (and of course, not working in about 95% of cases). But this plugin eliminates all of that. Thanks so much for this!


You won’t believe the scale of EasyInsert’s new update! (I admit that was a terrible pun). EasyInsert now supports character scaling!

EasyInsert also now supports character scaling when dressing by User ID too! So if you’re really tall on the website, a character with your ID will be really tall as well.

Lastly, a small bug has been patched. Previously, if you had something selected that wasn’t an NPC and used the dress by User ID feature, the plugin would rename that object and then error. Well, no more! Now, it will just make a new NPC for you, and your precious objects will keep their proper names.

As always, if you need help with anything, feel free to reach out. Thanks!


Here is a small quality-of-life update! All newly inserted assets are now placed where you’re looking in studio. So if you insert a hat, it will be right in front of your camera, and not off in some weird location.

As a bonus, all the parts in newly-inserted items are now unlocked so you can easily select them and drag 'em around. No more manually unlocking items!

Both of these features will not apply if you’re putting the asset into a rig. This is to prevent annoyances with the camera moving around and rig selecting.

Stay tuned for future updates!


Back again! Now, the plugin keeps track of all assets your character is wearing. You can quickly view everything in your character and delete unwanted assets with a simple click. You don’t have to fish through your character to find what you’re looking for!

Also, adding morphs no longer resets your NPC’s body colors. So morph away!


Improvements have been made to the new"Click-To-Delete" system. All assets are now supported, not just assets added through EasyInsert. You can also view and delete any accessory asset without having the entire rig selected.

Even better, EasyInsert now unlocks all the parts in User ID rigs to allow even faster editing.

Lastly, Roblox has introduced a permissions system for plugins. EasyInsert needs permission to inject scripts into your project to function properly. No scripts are actually added to your project; EasyInsert just clones scripts internally (I coded this plugin a long time ago and I’m not gonna change it lol). You can use this plugin safely!

Thanks so much. Happy early Thanksgiving!


I love this plugin! I have used it for a while now to accessorize my NPCs to be able to take photos of them wearing my clothing designs so that I post it on twitter, truly a lifesaver!

Seriously, if you don’t have the plugin, then why the heck are you still here? Download it right now!

I just wish there was a way to donate , because your plugin? Amazeballs :heart_eyes:


It’s Christmas break and that means more updates! I hope you’re feeling animated to use this plugin, because EasyInsert now supports the catalog animations. Hooray!

Also, rigs missing attachments now have attachments automatically added. This particularly affected old R6 rigs. Hats should be positioned correctly on these models again.

Until next time!


Is there a way for you to add a “History” of previously added accessories? This plugin speeds up workflow by a lot but it’s sometimes a pain to go back to the catalog and find the item you’re looking for again.
Bad PC + Roblox loading times = spontaneous combustion

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That is a good idea. I will see what I can do!


This is a really useful plugin for dressing my NPCs; however, is there any chance you could prevent it from prompting script permissions every time I open Studio.

I get that it does this because the scripts run in the CoreGui, rather than being controlled from within the plugin, but even if it only prompted me once I clicked the plugin button would be much less annoying that having it pop up the minute I open a game in Studio!

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Are you referring to the gray and blue sign that asks you to give the plugin script permissions? If so, do you have script permissions enabled for EasyInsert?

If you don’t have permissions enabled, the sign shows up every time you open studio because there’s no other way for me to tell you the plugin won’t work. Roblox disables my code until you enable permissions. That means I can’t make the sign appear only when you activate the plugin, but I could probably make the sign less intrusive.

If you’re talking about the studio widget, I have no control over when it shows up and this sounds like a problem on Roblox’s end. You will need to file a bug report with them

Whist using this again the other day- noticed that an undo + redo feature would be nice too. (Kinda elaborating on my previous suggestion) I realized that there is no way to CTRL Z an accessory after you remove it, even if it was an accident. (Unless I’m completely ignorant lol)

Yeah, I mean the Roblox script permissions dialogue which Studio displays when a plugin wants to “inject” scripts. It prompts to allow scripts every time I open a place in Studio, regardless of whether I’ve previously pressed “Allow.”

It’s the only plugin I have installed that re-prompts for permission, and my guess is it’s because the scripts are being run inside of the CoreGui, rather than contained within the plugin (outside of the DataModel). This also happens on my partner’s PC.

Thank you for letting me know. I will see if I can stop this from happening on my end.

@flarezhu The plugin has undo support but I might have overlooked this use-case! I will see if I can fix it

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Lifesaver. Love this plugin :smiley:

It’s about time I got aROUND to updating EasyInsert. No, really! The interface has been freshened:

Apart from that, there’s other good news! The load character feature has been updated—I bet most of you didn’t even realize this was a feature, since it has been hidden away:

You can now type a username into the “Asset ID” box, click “Insert”, and add anyone you want! No more clunkiness trying to find User IDs.

In fact, the “User ID” button is going to be deprecated in the future. It’s as clunky on the inside as it is on the outside and is taking up valuable space!

I also fixed the thumbnail cameras for shirts and pants. They should now be directly in the center of the thumbnails and not halfway off-cam.

This was a smaller update, but useful. I have some big new features planned but they will take time to create. The wait will be worth it though.

See you next time!


YOOOO haha you really did that :joy:

Hello everyone.
@Intended_Pun currently there is bug where any inserted accesories or parts in the Humanoid spawns, but way offset from where it’s supposed to be at. The bug is located in a world where team create is on, and is up to date in terms of world FilteringEnabled.


Thanks for the report! I will look into it

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