How to find good fonts for GUIs

Hello Developers,

I’ve had many problems in finding good font for my UI, and I don’t want anyone to have trouble in it anymore

With Font Picker, you can find good fonts on a variety of lot of fonts, trust me, this is a good plugin


Any screenshots of how it functions, What it looks like, How it works, Ect?


Sorry for late reply, I never knew you sent me reply until I opened the post

Sure, It works very good, here’s some exiciting images

How to see the font name?

You can point your cursor at a font display, to check the font name

This is a fast and easy plugin, you can even use it inside gui
To use it for any gui, select the gui

And enable the plugin

Whatever your text is will appear in the box

How do I quickly apply the font I want in the gui I want

Its easy, but make sure you have the updated version of the plugin to experience this

Just click on a button to apply the font to the gui object your currently selecting on

Thanks for reading, hope you use the plugin :wink:


Wow, this is a useful plugin for UI designers. With this plugin, I don’t need to scroll through hundreds of them and apply it to check whether it’s suitable or not.


Yes you don’t need to scroll through hundreds of plugins, also with the version 3 of this plugin, you can use auto detector, which detects good fonts for the type of genre your game is

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I’m bumping this, because this plugin has been updated:
Here’s some images
Older version:

Newer version:

This newer version will be updated every time roblox staff update the Font system, feel free to tell me if any bugs occur
Also you should enable this, its my website, its not virus, and its just for checking if plugin is updated
Thanks for reading!