How to find the texture of roblox materials

This is slate material on roblox studio quality at 1

and i want to download a seamless version of it to use as texture
how/where do i get it?


I couldn’t find an exact solution for this, but, in the internet there are a lot of seamless textures you may use, check out this post which gives you a good starting point for searching textures and other important information that may be relevant to you:


Roblox’s files are located in %localappdata%/Roblox/. Go to that location and search “slate” and you should get the full quality texture.

Next you’ll just have to downscale it in a 3rd party program like gimp.


I need only these two but together, they are the reflection and diffuse
(these are converted from .dds to .png using online convert site)
I cant open them with photoshop because they are .dds, how do i open them so they are not white and green and also how do i make them work together to look like the example i showed? I found a tutorial how to install a plugin for photoshop but its from a sketchy website and im not sure about downloading it.

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I don’t know about Photoshop (there is a paid plugin AFAIK, but I remember it beinv expensive). GIMP has a native support for DDS though.

Also, diffuse textures are never of the actual texture’s color. They most frequently use blue, red and green to represent different depths for the sake of not wasting any data, but some use orange and yellow, or other color combinations.

You can do some basic color manipulation to turn green into white and apply it to the main texture.

sorry for necro, but you’ll find the texture at
%localappdata%\Roblox\Versions\<your roblox version>\PlatformContent\pc\textures\texturename
if you installed it to Program Files like I did (whoops!) the path is this:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Roblox\Versions\<your roblox version>\PlatformContent\pc\textures\texturename


Heya, blame person above me for the bump but for future users has support for DDS Files, you can convert it to whatever else you needed it after.

its also free :eyes:

Seems like only plastic, water, and the sky are there now, what’s the new location for them?

they’re nowhere. i know the textures used to be there because i’ve messed with them but i’m guessing roblox removed them so people… dont mess with them. it’s a bit ridiculous considering they’re literally textures

they most likely moved them into the cloud. There is a post on the forum here with the link to it but you’d have to find it. I know i’ve spoken in it before i just don’t have a way to easily pull it up on my phone.