How to generate infinite water?

How would I generate infinite water?

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could you define infinite water

a colorless, transparent, odorless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organisms.


yes, that’s what I meant. Water that’s infinite.

Could you go a bit more in-depth? Animated water, Skinned Mesh water, Flat Water, Roblox Water?

You could try making water on the client-side around the player so it would look infinite

I meant roblox water. So yeah. The minimum 30 letters is annoying.

I don’t want it to look infinite, I want it to be actually infinite

The player wouldn’t see a difference between actual infinite or visually infinite

I need it to be infinite for the game

Or just really, really big. Either one

You could make a really big, invisible part and use Terrain:FillBlock() like is done here

I tried it but there’s still a limit to how big it can be

Add fog or link multiple 2048x1x2048 water parts together, the client has a max draw distance so eventually adding more becomes useless

I just fixed it by using a plugin called infinite terrain generator