How to get an id from a game asset?

Not sure where to put this, sorry if it’s in the wrong category!

So I had a game (on a different account that i dont have access to) with a game asset file that I can’t seem to find in my files.

Instead of putting in the raw ID, I put this in.

I have this in so many scripts that depend on the images mostly, so please help!

How would I get the id?

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I actually have this link, but i dunno how to format it right!! :frowning:

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That link will give you the actual file of the image. But you seem desperate to get anything back, so that might be just as good as an ID.

To fix that link, you need the ID of the Universe of these places. A Universe is probably the same as a Game (but neither are a Place, which is part of a Game).
If the link to Adopt Me is, then the Game ID of Adopt Me would be 920587237; do this process for your own game.

As for the link you posted, there’s documentation that can tell you how to format these and can make examples:!/AssetFetch/get_v1_asset

It lists all the parameters you can add. It’s very obtuse, but you can bend it a little to make it give you what you want.

The page should start out with the /v1/asset dropdown open.
In all the required (bold) fields, put *, it doesn’t matter whether it works because it’s the link that you’re actually after.
In universeId, put the ID of the Universe/Game that the images are in.
In assetName, put the name of the asset (Images/RampageText)
skipSigningScripts probably does nothing for images.

Press “Try it out!”. It will show you a request URL (which is what you want), and a response with an error. Ignore it, copy the request URL and paste it into the address bar. If the URL is good, then you will get a download. This is either the image, or an asset that links to another asset; for the former, you have your image and can drag and drop it into an image viewer or give it a file extension, for the latter, you have an asset ID that you can again download (with id=). More importantly, you have something you can change to get the other assets without having to change a field in the try-it page, which is tedious.

I have not tested this, not even on my own stuff. You will likely get a permission/security error.

But if it does somehow work, you will have to deal with downloading all these images. My suggestion would be to find each and every such ID in scripts and texture objects, make an ad-hoc list of them, then use a script to turn the list into HTML of a bunch of links that you can then paste into a webpage (with Inspect Element) and click. Much less work that way, and there’s yet more you can do to make it less painful to save all of these, that’s just the hackiest way I know and that I have done a few times with other things.