How to get asset ID from asset manager by name

I want to get the id of an asset I have uploaded via Asset Manager by using its name. For example,
rbxassetid://ADecal.png into rbxassetid://1234567890.

The ROBLOX AssetDelivery API’s /alias/{alias} endpoint seems to require an “alias” to which I have not been able to found any information for.

A previous dev forum post in 2020 has asked this question and recieved a solution, however; the given endpoint does not exist or does not work anymore.

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You can still follow the answer you found from 2020. The AssetDelivery V1 endpoint is not actually gone, they just moved the docs on accident. Now you have to put double slashes in front of docs like this:

What does it mean by alias? With the regex given it only accepts a format such as NUMBER/STRING.STRING