Hello, I’m trying to make an anticheat by getting the local player’s cpu usage but I do not know how.
What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
I want to know the local player’s CPU usage.
I’ve noticed that when a player “tab glitches” the cpu usage of the player goes extremely high, so this is the reason why I want to know the cpu usage of the local player
What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
There is no direct or precise way to get the player’s cpu usage, and I am not sure how to get an approximate guess of the cpu usage.
What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
I am unable to find any solutions on the developer hub.
I can’t find any (and I do not know any way to do it), sorry about that D:
Edit: Actually, there is a method to get the memory usage of your game by doing game:GetService("Stats"):GetTotalMemoryUsageMb(). Memory usage is similar (?) to CPU usage, so I guess you could use it.
When the client holds the top bar, your code wouldn’t run on their machine making this effectively useless. How would memory usage play into this if they client isn’t running anything?