How to grow a clothing group

Heyo! Soaring here again, I am back on the dev forum, along with a new question. How to grow a clothing group? Now, I have started a clothing group, called Icon (I know insane name snipe right!) but we have hypebeast style clothing, like supreme, but our own branding. We started yesterday and have 64 members, I do not know if this is good or not. But what is a good member goal per day? and we have only gotten 2 sales from the 64 members that we do have. Is that a good ratio? My last question is how to grow a clothing group? I have found a game called creator mall and its helped me gain about 5 members over the course of an hour, but most of our members just have joined randomly over the course of the past day. Can someone explain a good tactic to grow group members?


If you started yesterday and already have 64 members, thatā€™s pretty good! I own the clothing group ixAesthetics which has 970 members, but I started it a few months ago. I do have a few advice for you to grow your group, though:

į²¦RUN ADS - Running ads is so important! This helps your group get more exposure. Itā€™s important for your ads to be bright and appealing to attract more members. 300-500 Robux per ad works best for me, although I like to do a test run of 100 Robux to see the CTR of the ad.

į²¦Make a Homestore - New members will most likely join your homestore and buy more clothing, Iā€™ve noticed having a homestore is more appealing than just clicking through rows of clothing on your group.

į²¦Do qotdā€™s - They keep your members engaged and coming back to your group daily

į²¦Promote your group - Promoting your group on your profile can guide fans or followers to your group, and making it your primary group may also help

į²¦Ally with other groups - This can help you gain members and exposure from other groups, you should ally with groups that have a similar clothing style as your group

į²¦Save group funds - Saving group funds will help you pay for ads and/or designers

į²¦Hire designers - Hiring designers can help create more designs and ideas, and it can help keep your group active and full of new designs. This can also help because you will have more designs to earn robux. Although this tip is more of a personal preference, you donā€™t have to hire any if you donā€™t feel like it!

į²¦Upload consistently - Uploading consistently will have your customers coming back and seeing if thereā€™s anything new. Try to upload at least once a week, but more would be amazing! Just make sure to keep your clothes quality, donā€™t rush it!

For your other questions, most people join your group because they like the clothing style! Itā€™s fine if not a lot of people buy your clothing but join the group. Since you only have about 2 rows of clothing, there isnā€™t much to buy, either way.

I like to make end-of-year goals, at the moment mine is 1k. Make your goal whatever youā€™d like! Per day, group members dont usually go up unless youā€™re running ads, but I make around +50-100 members per ad. If youā€™re not running ads, Iā€™d say a goal could be around 5-20 per day.


Wow thank you for the huge reply. this is going to be advice that I go back to every time I need help. Would you mind allying with my group? You stated that allying with groups helps, would you be willing to? Also we have 86 members now, we are gaining a lot per hour, about 10 per hour and the last ad that we put down was around last night at 9 pm, so it wont stop advertising the group for another 8 hours which is very good. Also we have a certain style which is, black and white, and no textures, its all smooth, also now we have 108 in pending sales


Overall, Iā€™m not sure. I started mine in early June, and still only have 175 members. Iā€™ll join your group (Cause why not lol), to help you grow, but thatā€™s just my way of saying ā€œSorry mate I ainā€™t got a clueā€.

That 2 sales from 64 members? No, not really. You definitely need to place a couple ads, maybe hire some more designers.

haha thanks for joining, and yeah we had 64, and 2 sales at the time, now we have 2 pages of sales and 86 members around 2 hours later


Okay, thatā€™s much better.

When I looked at your clothing, not to be rude, this is just to help - Mate, you gotta hire some designers. If you want your group to truly grow, or even get to 10k members, you need to hire people who can produce things fast and efficiently. They need to look good.

But overall, donā€™t make anything you donā€™t like. If thereā€™s a particular style youā€™re putting out there, and you donā€™t like it, switch to the one that you do like.

btw can I send you an ally request?

Is your group a clothing group? And as I said, yes we are going for a specific style, no textures, smooth, Branding on all of the clothing, and black and white

A clothing group, and that actually sounds like a pretty decent style. I bought an item I liked it :slight_smile:

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Just take a quick look at the ranks, we canā€™t do anything (Post things, see the group shout.)

thanks for the sale and what do you mean? my group?

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Yeah. It resets everything when you add a new rank.

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That is, like @SoaringDean said, something that I go back to every time I need to think about something. Thanks for this, it helps everyone :slight_smile:


Sure, Iā€™ll ally. I also just recently created this post for tips on how to be a successful designer, along with group tips as well.

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