How to have an have an orthographic view?

Any way to have an orthographic view (instead of the default perspective view) in Studio, like Blender (Perspective/Orthographic — Blender Manual)?

Roblox default (perspective):

Orthographic projection:


It kinda looks like you’re trying to pull off an illusion. I’d start playing with the camera’s FieldOfView, because 70 probably might not do the trick. It also looks like the cubes’ sizes and rotation are all different, even though they aren’t, but maybe you can try sizing and rotating parts differently to get the view you want.

No, I’m asking if Roblox has an option to simulate an orthographic view and it seems it doesn’t have.
For example, in orthographic, the top view will looks “flat”:

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You can’t, because Roblox doesn’t have an orthographic camera mode. But you can get pretty close by setting the FoV to a really small number and then moving the camera far away from what you want to show.


Roblox doesn’t have an orthographic camera mode, but, if you want your camera to look perfectly downwards, upwards, or sideways, simply use the “View Selector.” You can enable it under the “View” ribbon. It looks like a little cube, and all you have to do is select your face.


It will appear as a cube with arrows on your screen.


Tips when using it include not touching the right mouse button, as that will turn your camera off the perfect view. Instead, I’d recommend only using WASDQE.

Now I know this isn’t orthographic, but this is the closest you can get; It’s a compromise.

Hope this helped.

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The one problem with this is that you need to depend on the render distance, and know how far players see

That’s true, but it can be worked around.

You can see which graphics level players have set with UserGameSettings.SavedQualityLevel, and display a full-screen message to turn up the graphics if it’s below Level3, which IIRC is the lowest level that doesn’t cut down on render distance.

That might not work exactly the same on mobile, console and PC, I’ve no idea. If it doesn’t, maybe just remind players to turn up their graphics quality until they can see everything.

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True, but if pc users have a potato pc it can be very laggy at times and I dont think you can change the graphics level on console

--Magic script name CameraScript that replaces the default script

local playerOffset =,1,1) 
local playerPosOffset =,0,0)

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
local runService = game:GetService('RunService')

local fieldOfView = 0.5 --has to be tiny to simulate orthogonal
local zoom = 3000
camera.FieldOfView = fieldOfView 

runService:BindToRenderStep('BeforeCamera', Enum.RenderPriority.Camera.Value, function()

    if (player.Character ~= nil and player.Character.PrimaryPart ~= nil) then

        local playerPosition = player.Character.PrimaryPart.Position + playerPosOffset 
        local cameraPosition = playerPosition + (playerOffset * zoom) 

        camera.CoordinateFrame =, playerPosition  ) 
        camera.Focus = --world loads around this point


This works, but has some drawbacks. The camera is a LONG way away, so anything depending on view distance like particle effects will struggle. Atmosphere, fog, depth of field, all probably can’t work.
But its “orthogonal”.