How to i make a good ship bow in roblox studio?

Ok, so I’m a developer in a ferry group called Alpine Lines. I’m right now trying to make a bow for the ship. I know how to make really smooth parts and that stuff, but I don’t know how to make it look good and make it the same size that I want. I tried but I just don’t know-how. Does anyone have any tips?

I’m trying to achieve something like this:

I would really appreciate some help.
Thank you for reading :slight_smile:


hire a modeller to model it in blender
in roblox studio idk how use archimedes and small parts or something

Usually, I would recommend creating a mesh for this type of stuff, but lets just stick to studio.

Or you could use some other plugins like Archimedes, but I’ll keep this simple.

The only way I could think of is using gapfill. Start off by creating multiple parts to give the hull a structure:

Afterwards, use gapfill to fill in all the remaining areas:


Hope I helped! Of course my example may not be to scale or very detailed but I hope it will give you an idea of how to do it.

This might help How To Make A Ship Hull In Blender #blender #boat #tutorial - YouTube if you are wanting to use blender, if not I recommend what @Nullifate said.

Hi, I’ve answered a similar question before here:

I also have a guide on building for all kinds of different curvature usecases here that may be useful to you:

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